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Re: Budget Concerns Threaten To Derail Fulton Transit Hub

Posted by AMoreira81 on Tue Jan 29 13:34:14 2008, in response to Budget Concerns Threaten To Derail Fulton Transit Hub, posted by Russ on Mon Jan 28 20:24:18 2008.

What the MTA needs is SMARTER transit...and a really smart thing would be to sell or net-lease development rights above the Fulton Transit Center (preferably for a high-rise that restores the property to the tax rolls).

Also, regarding the 7 to Javits Center...the solution is not a subway extension, but two light rail lines across 34 and 42 Street, which would probably cost somewhere in the realm of about $600M...and then a larger light rail network that can be built instead. (The city needs to realize this too, and put money in smart transit, such as above.)


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