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Re: WMATA Latest N Route Silver line news

Posted by Sand Box John on Sat Dec 15 09:12:21 2007, in response to Re: WMATA Latest N Route Silver line news, posted by RonInBayside on Sat Dec 15 01:06:18 2007.

Here in Kansas City, there is periodically talk about building light rail to Kansas City International (20 miles from the city). But the Light Rail line would not really be about the airport - it would be about developing commercial and residential properties along the route, which, oh by the way, would terminate at the airport.

The analogy for justification maybe the same. However in my opinion I consider all of the light rail concepts that have been proposed for Kansas City are boondoggles. The density just isn't there.

You may recall that I went down to Charlotte North Carolina to check out their new light rail line two weeks ago. $462.7 million for an under built 9.6 miles light rail line that is predicted to have an average of 9,100 daily boardings by years end. So far they have average 12,300 daily boardings. Most of the boardings are the result of events at the arena and above average predicted off peek use.

From what I have heard the fare box recovery ratio for this line will be in the neighborhood 25% when phase II is built to the north. This is comparable to the fare box recovery ratio of the Baltimore Central Light Rail line. Now lets compare fare box recovery ratios.

Baltimore Central Light Rail 21%
CATS lynx Light Rail *25%
WMATA metrorail 55%

* predicted

Oh and by the way Maryland Law states that transit operated by the Maryland Transit Administration (light rail, subway and busses) must have a fare box recovery ratio no less then 50%.

John in the sand box of Maryland's eastern shore.


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