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Re: How NOT to handle an encounter with police (Re: ROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY DESTROYED!)

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Fri May 4 05:46:29 2007, in response to Re: How NOT to handle an encounter with police (Re: ROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY DESTROYED!), posted by Karl M, Ex New Yorker on Thu May 3 13:38:35 2007.

you are required to give them
**ser. #**
in other words valid id card thats it !!!
no other information !
be polite dont talk shut up
name only thats it !!
and just look at them quietly and peaceful slow moving
silent no talking eye contact only
do not show any emotions go blank and bland
nothing else
if you have to talk
would you please leave my camera alone
would you please giv e me my camera back
would you pleaee not handle my camera in any way ?
i am asking you to give me my camera back please ?
firm but do not yell or act agressive but firm and level

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