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Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI)

Posted by Rail Blue on Wed Sep 6 07:41:34 2006, in response to Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI), posted by randyo on Wed Sep 6 02:46:57 2006.

Another drawback to the present system is that the 2 hour window starts as soon as a passenger uses the card the first time. Given the worst case scenario, if a passenger entering the system in midtown to upper Manhattan around midnight enroute to the Marine Pk section of Bkln, and just misses a train, he now loses 20 min of that window before he even starts moving. Depending on what connections he may or may not need to make, it may take an hour for him to reach Flatbush Av where he needs to transfer to a bus.

So transfer at Borough Hall.

Since the midnight headway on the B-41 bus is 1/2 hr mainline and 1 hr to the branches

That's just silly. The current schedule seems to be:

Bergen Beachxx02
Kings Plazaxx35
Kings Hwyxx09xx39
Tillary Stxx45yy15
Tillary Styy00yy30
Kings Hwyyy39zz09
Kings Plazayy44
Bergen Beachzz15

Presuming I don't need to take a remedial math course, the following can be achieved with the same number of buses:

Bergen Beachxx02xx32
Kings Plazaxx05xx35
Kings Hwyxx07xx09xx37xx39
Tillary Stxx45yy15
Tillary Styy00yy30
Kings Hwyyy39yy41zz09zz11
Kings Plazayy44zz14
Bergen Beachyy48zz18

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