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Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI)

Posted by AlM on Sun Sep 3 15:58:25 2006, in response to Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI), posted by David of Broadway on Sun Sep 3 15:41:43 2006.

It's hard to justify the subsidies on efficiency grounds and it's hard to justify the subsidies on equity grounds. On what grounds are they justifiable?

I guess you've just proved that life isn't fair.

I ride a train to Hartsdale each morning and back to GCT each evening. This train would be making the trip even if it had no passengers, since it has to get back out to WP in the AM and in to GCT in the PM to pick up another horde of conventional commuters. In fact, it often gets delayed by the non-revenue train ahead of it.

So I should pay way less than conventional commuters, right? The incremental cost of my trip is almost zero (the train would make the trip a bit quicker if it didn't make all the stops it makes, but that's the only incremental cost). No, I now pay exactly the same.

What's more, for my 21 mile ride I pay $180 per month, 55% as much as a Poughkeepsie commuter pays for his 74 mile ride. And he gets an express that makes as few as 4 stops while I can only get a local that makes between 11 and 15 stops.

And looking at another comparison, the folks who get onto my train at Melrose and ride with me for 15 of the 21 miles of the trip only pay $55, less than 1/3 of what I pay.

So how do I get my fare decreased to an economically correct one?


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