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Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI)

Posted by ALP44 on Sun Sep 3 14:30:48 2006, in response to Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI), posted by AlM on Sun Sep 3 14:07:44 2006.

"I recently took a bus in the Bronx, took MNRR from Fordham to GCT, and then took a subway from GCT. The entry at GCT was a free transfer. If I can get a free transfer from a Bronx bus to the subway turnstile at GCT, I'm sure I can get a free transfer from the SIRT to any NYCT bus of my choosing. I'm sure that I could even get a ride up to midtown and get on a bus or subway there and still get a free transfer if I had one left."

Correct. That's if you only paid your fare on SIR and not the three-way method from a Staten Island Bus to SIR to any bus or subway station at Whitehall Terminal(including Bowling Green).

"On an intersting side note, a few months ago I rode an M101, got off, did some errands, and then got on an M102, and was charged a new fare. Those are evidently considered the same line even though their routes are not identical."

Yup. Seen that happen when this guy got a transfer from the M102 and tried to use it on the M101 at 103 St and 3rd. Driver said the transfers are not valid between the M101, 102, and 103.

Until then.....
ALP 44


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