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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by Broadway Lion on Mon May 22 10:23:01 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Dutchrailnut on Mon May 22 08:13:43 2006.

Indeed! When NYP was built it was LIRR and not PRR that held the rights to build tunnels under the East River. That is why PRR *bought* the LIRR: To have access to those rights. Worked out for LIRR too, because rights or not they had not the resources to build tunnels.

In those days it was simple:

If you worked on the west side you bought a home on Long Island.
If you worked on the east side you bought a home in Westchester.
If you worked downtown, you'd change to the IRT from NYP, GCT or Brooklyn.


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