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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by Sand Box John on Mon May 22 01:57:36 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by J trainloco on Mon May 22 01:20:47 2006.

Two different and competing companies The New York Central and The Pennsylvania Railroad. The New York Central chose to go with Frank Sprague William Wilgus under running third rail as Sprague was a member of engineering group that designed the electrification for the Grand Central Terminal project. The Pennsylvania and its subsidiary The Long Island Railroad chose to go with the over running third rail based on over running third rail systems that the Pennsylvania Railroad engineering group had experience with and visited.

The Grand Central Terminal electrification dates to 1906
The Pennsylvania and its subsidiary The Long Island Railroad third rail electrification dates to 1910 and 1905 respectively.

John in the sand box of Maryland's eastern shore.

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