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Re: Is there R110B train in behind MTA schoolhouse in Bensonhurst?(R110A yard photo)

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 25 18:29:49 2006, in response to Re: Is there R110B train in behind MTA schoolhouse in Bensonhurst?(R110A yard photo), posted by G1Ravage on Tue Apr 25 16:09:14 2006.

Thats tricky for C/R's it depends on what time you clear and what job you are working. C/R's with WAA time at the end of most of thier jobs are working that Platform at Nereid Ave or White Plains for a minute Cleaning out trains. Just make sure you check with somebody about WAA times with certain jobs on the 5 or the 2 train at the White Plains or Nereid ave Stations,all 5 jobs when the C/R has WAA cleans out a train or two then either they sign out at 239 Yard(AM jobs and 2 PM jobs this Pick after this pick ends those 2 PM jobs 301,302 sign out AT Dyre instead of the yard) or deadhead to Dyre for thier next trip again depends on the job.If you want to go to the yard you will have to ask a T/O that you just want to "hitch a ride",shouldnt be a problem then again depends on the T/O as well some of em are kinda funny about "guests",helps after a while when your face gets known.

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