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Re: questions about archer ave extension.

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sun Mar 5 12:40:50 2006, in response to Re: questions about archer ave extension., posted by andy on Sun Mar 5 09:21:21 2006.


Obviously these plans are today dead and buried, especially with the MetroCard eliminating the two-fare zones in Queens and everywhere else.

The LIRR conversion would make a lot of sense, even with today's realities. That area has no other rail service. Buses from this part of Queens to subways @ Jamaica Center are slow and inefficient. The LIRR doesn't give a damn about the residents of these neighborhoods. There are no stations between Rosedale and Jamaica. This is a prime location for a new subway extension, with several new stations built to serve the community Long Islaners only see as a passing blur on their way to Penn Station.


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