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Re: Extending the SAS across 125th on the table

Posted by Andrew Saucci on Mon Oct 9 20:30:29 2023, in response to Re: Extending the SAS across 125th on the table, posted by Marc A. Rivlin on Mon Oct 9 20:00:48 2023.

What gets frustrating is that often, the MTA will throw out most or all of the useful metrics (not just walk-to-subway distance) and just build stuff where little or no opposition exists, or where someone else will foot the bill for construction. Walk-to-subway is probably one of the most useful metrics, as that last half mile may be the difference between whether any of the other metrics even matter at all to an individual who is contemplating whether to use the subway or not, especially in bad weather. People who live in neighborhoods away from a nearby subway station might not care about transfer opportunities once on the subway, or average train speed, or on-time performance if that last half mile keeps them off the subway in the first place. They may justly wonder why they are neglected while parts of the city that already have that last half mile covered are being given additional service.

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