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Posted by JOE @ NYCMTS - NYCTMG on Fri Dec 30 15:52:02 2022, in response to [PHOTO] Attn: JOE @ NYCMTS - NYCTMG, posted by Bill Newkirk on Fri Dec 30 06:59:05 2022.

Hello again Bill (Newkirk)

Larry redbird answered you accurately. Some newer IRT EL Gate Cars (motors and trailers) were numbered into the older NY Elevated Car number sequences

Here is that short list below --

Car # ------- Builder ----- Build Date ---- Car Type

11 ---------- St. Louis ----- 1907 ------- Trailer
40-41 ------- Wason --------- 1902 ------- Motor
42-91 ------- A.C.F. -------- 1901-2 ----- Motor
92-241 ------ Wason -------- 1902-3 ----- Motor
242 --------- St. Louis ----- 1907 ------- Trailer

The following LOW NUMBERED Gate car numbers were converted to MUDC in the 1923-24 period

11, 161-162, 172, 189, 191, 194, 211-212, 216, 218, 220, 222 to 225, 227, 229 to 234

The following HIGH 4-NUMBERED Gate car numbers were converted to MUDC in the 1923-24 period

1121 to 1218 -- BUT NOT CARS 1130, 1144, 1185, 1191, 1193, 1201
1255 to 1313 -- BUT NOT CARS 1258, 1292, 1307, 1314
1416 to 1528 -- BUT NOT CARS 1447, 1459, 1415, 1515
1634 to 1652 --
1653 to 1672 -- BUT NOT CARS 1653, 1672
1673 to 1812 -- BUT NOT CARS 1686, 1713,
Car 1718 was converted to MUDC 4-2-1924 but ends rebuilt to gate car in 1927 - reason not disclosed by IRT

LOW VOLTAGE CONTROLS were installed on the following IRT EL Gate Cars all of which became MUDC cars in 1923-24

1660 to 1671, 1706 to 1711, 1724 to 1752, 1753 to 1761, 1763 to 1809, 1811, 1812

Regards - Joe F


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