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Re: [PHOTOS] The East Bronx IRT Crash of 1957

Posted by Bill Newkirk on Wed Dec 28 15:14:01 2022, in response to [PHOTOS] The East Bronx IRT Crash of 1957, posted by Bill Newkirk on Tue Dec 27 20:47:03 2022.

Received in an e-mail from Joel G
The picture is from the #1 line. The accident happened in the middle track on Broadway at the corner of W. 230 St.& Exterior Street. There was a train laid up in the middle track. As the second train approached the motorman had a heart attack, and fell onto the dead man's switch. He passed away. Before or after? I remember this so well. It happened on a Jewish Holiday. I wanted my older brothers to take me closer, but they did not. It happened at about noon time. Very few details can be found in a book called "The Beautiful Bronx". It has a red cover. I am going to send you another e-mail with a picture someone took from their apartment window.

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