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Re: Sad News: Byford resigns for real.

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Jan 24 20:38:15 2020, in response to Re: Sad News: Byford resigns for real., posted by Stephen Bauman on Fri Jan 24 07:16:32 2020.

Exactly what I have been saying for the past forty years.

From 2003 to 2006 when NYMTC spent $6 million for a comprehensive southern Brooklyn Transportation study, I proposed about thirty bus route changes that NYMTC put in their draft report. When we asked the MTA to test them using their simulation model they claimed to be using, they admitted that the model was useless for such a study and was useful only to test regional trends.

Then Larry Fleischer who was director of MTA Planning (not NYCT Planning) made the bold statement at a public meeting that no one tells the MTA how to plan.

Regarding rail improvements, the MTA stated they wouldn't consider any rail expansion until the 2 Av Subway was fully completed. So the Triboro RX was also rejected.

Since the MTA was represented on NYMTCs board, and NYMTC relied on the MTA for their funding my bus proposals and all the rail proposals were removed from NYMTC's final report. The final report also ruled out ferries as being too costly,

So six million dollars of our tax money was wasted so that the following recommendations could be made: clearer truck routes, more pedestrianways and bike routes, and an overpass at Kings Plaza (I suggested an underpass)

No bus, subway or rail suggestions and three years of wasted time for all the participants who attended the meetings every six weeks for three years.


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