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Posted by randyo on Thu Jun 28 15:24:39 2018, in response to Re: [PHOTO] MOTORMAN, posted by Express Rider on Wed Jun 27 22:43:06 2018.

When the Hi-Vs were first retrofitted with MUDC, only a limited number of the battleship (manual door) care were modified to run with them. The IRT tried as much as possible to keep the Gibbs cars on the lcl lines since their vestibules were slightly smaller than those on later Hi-Vs, deck roofers and up. The earliest Hi-V steel trailers while equipped with air doors were not MUDC but they didn’t have mechanical end doors either but like the earliest Lo-Vs coming in around the same time had handles that controlled the end and center doors of the cars separately which is why they din’t need a special center door cut out lock for curved platforms like So/Fy until after conversion to MUDC. In fact according to an old time M/M I knew, since the Flivvers were the first mainline Lo-Vs they were given the name “Flivver” because of the similarity of the pneumatic door handles to the cranks on the old time autos of the day. While the air only cars didn’t require as many C/Rs as the battleship cars did, the still needed a C/R between every 2 cars so when the iRT came up with MUDC, the Lo-Vs were the first cars converted. When the Hi-Vs started to be converted to MUDC, only the Hedley motors and a number of trailers were converted and the few Hedley that weren’t converted along with the deck roofers that never were, got modified to run as pilot motors to be used on the front and rear ends of 10 car Hi-V expresses assigned almost exclusively to the Bway Exp. The Gibbs cars were relegated to the Bway, Lenox and Pelham lcls where they ran in solid trains with unmodified Hi-V trailers. These consists still required a C/R between every car and while the conversion of the Hedleys to MUDC solved the labor problem on the express, the labor intensiveness was not solved on the lcl lines. sometime in the 1930s, a number of Gibbs cars were modified with MUDC and along with that the remaining Hi-V trailers were also MUDCed and all remaining battleship Hi-Vs were modified to run in trains with MUDC cars.

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