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Re: [PHOTOS] Polo Grounds Shuttle - Part 2

Posted by JOE @ NYCMTS - NYCTMG on Fri Feb 9 00:02:56 2018, in response to Re: [PHOTOS] Polo Grounds Shuttle - Part 2, posted by Elkeeper on Thu Feb 8 21:05:25 2018.

Hello El Keeper

Woodycrest Avenue (like Ogden and Anderson Aves) ends southward at Jerome Avenue - all at the bottom of a very steep hill. There were all types of people living there in the 1900 thru 1960's -- Catholics, varied denominations of Protestants, Jewish and a small number of Jehova's ! And mainly residents of Irish, German, Jewish, Italian, multi-European descents --- in that order - with the first in list being the highest in residency numbers.

The Woodycrest Home (a one time "boys" home") is still there - it is a huge mansion type building at the Bottom of Woodycrest, and a few Churches were / are at the bottom of the hill.

Yankee Stadium (well, the original Stadium) was a LOOOONG walk from the bottom of Ogden, Woodycrest and Anderson Aves. My father and I walked in many times in the 1950's - 60's to catch the IRT Jerome-Woodlawn Line EL at E. 161st St Station - especially after the POLO shuttle quit at end of August 1958. I wish I could go back to those times and that era for a while !

Here is a google map (LINK URL) for the immediate area


You would NOT want to do that walk - especially at night (as we did returning back to his apartment on Anderson) from 1970 thru 1990's -- NO WAY ! I assume its a lot saver in these present times (I hope)

regards - Joe F


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