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Re: Allan Rosen and the 34th Street (Herald Square) elevator

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 13 02:26:33 2015, in response to Re: Allan Rosen and the 34th Street (Herald Square) elevator, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 13 02:19:14 2015.

I might add ... the MTA is a STATE agency and it just so happens that there is a state agency for the disabled. I've worked with them many times in the past when I worked for the state, and they are GREAT people there.

If your friend assessed the situation as sorely lacking and would like to do something about it, they should contact the Office of Advocate for Persons with Disabilities.

The Office of Advocate for Persons with Disabilities (OAPwD) is a systems advocacy agency for people with disabilities. Its primary mission is to ensure that people with disabilities have every opportunity to be productive and participating citizens through: full access to emerging technology; access to up-to-date, comprehensive information on and referral to programs and services available to people with disabilities and their families; and, implementation of progressive legislation protecting the equal rights of people with disabilities. For information about OAPwD, call (800) 522-4369 or (518) 473-6005, (voice, TTY and Spanish call (518) 473-4129), electronic BBS call (800) 943-2323 or refer to the OAPwD Web site at http://www.cqc.ny.gov/.

Many of the people I used to work with when I was with the state are still there, and they're an excellent place to point out failings and needs with OTHER state agencies. :)

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