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Re: Amtrak’s Ice Patrol under the Hudson River - video, pics, story

Posted by Bill West on Sat Feb 28 02:41:29 2015, in response to Re: Amtrak’s Ice Patrol under the Hudson River - video, pics, story, posted by WillD on Sat Feb 28 02:27:53 2015.

Because of the close clearance with the ice and the metal tip on the hookstick, deenergization would be a practical necessity. For crew safety a no reclosing tag would do for working with hot sticks but they don't ordinarily require grounding (if they did there would be no point to having them).

The question of grounding in general makes me wonder if a minor loss with the new catenary vehicles is the lack of a grounding pan. It does save time over manually placement especially when you are moving along the line.

We used to have manually operated grounding switches on incoming line terminals and then dropped them in favour of hotstick applied grounds. One day I watched a fellow try to stick lift and apply a heavy ground cable to a 500kv line about 25' over his head. …I think my department head made an oops on that decision.


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