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Re: BART's new car: Bombardier mock up at APTA

Posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Sat Oct 18 04:11:09 2014, in response to Re: BART's new car: Bombardier mock up at APTA, posted by Jackson Park B Train on Sat Oct 18 02:16:34 2014.

but an attempt to throw out most of the transit industry experience of the 20th century

The problem was that if you looked at the state of the transit industry in the US in the 1950s and 1960s, it wasn't exactly an ideal condition, and nobody would have faulted people for trying a different approach to increase ridership*. FWIW, it probably would have panned out a bit better had the suburban office complex not developed, with that growth being channeled into secondary downtowns and the original core.

*I've routinely argued that BART should have been a clone of Frankfurt S-Bahn in the US. Mind you, it's hard to ape something that's somewhat revolutionary in concept overseas, and quite frankly I suspect that by going with an isolated system, they avoid dealing with the feds, the local Class Is, and their unions which would have killed any hope for OPTO.

Frankly BART only got a very few things right--third rail power, level boarding and AC.

Given that the equivalent of BART in the rest of the world uses catenary, I'd argue that it was another thing done wrong. Hell, even the brand new metros in China use catenary...


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