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Re: end of bar cars on new Haven

Posted by Nilet on Tue May 6 22:12:45 2014, in response to Re: end of bar cars on new Haven, posted by Bill From Maspeth on Tue May 6 20:53:38 2014.

I've ridden in bar cars at least twice, and had a drink on at least one occasion in which, for legal reasons, I deny that I was underage.

What I didn't do was record railfan window video from a westbound train. (Several attempts to do so were foiled by an uncooperative sun glaring everything up.)

And how could I have had 40 years to ride when I'm not yet 40 years old? If I could ride trains before I was born, I'd have covered the 9th avenue el, the New York, Westchester, and Boston, and the relatively rare B&O trains that ran into Penn Station during World War I.

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