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Re: end of bar cars on new Haven

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue May 6 21:02:21 2014, in response to Re: end of bar cars on new Haven, posted by Nilet on Tue May 6 17:57:55 2014.

"Figuring out the schedule for bar cars (if there is one)"

Years ago MN used to have "turn sheets" which dictated what turned for what train, which included the consist of each run it was assigned to. Example: 804-809...7PP. Translation 804 being the train in from Poke 809 being the train northbound. Even # in, odd # out. 7PP meant 7 bomb cars, engine on north end, cab car on the south end, aka push-pull configuration.

On the NH side, their trains would be noted on the sheet as 8M2-C.
Translation 8 M2 cars with a cafe car
as bar cars were officially known as in the employee timetable.As to where they were spotted in the train was a crap shoot. Make the hitch do the brake test & leave town was the rush hour rule.

So the crew, if they had access to these sheets knew exactly what was in their train unless told otherwise by the trainmaster on duty at the traimnasters office on TK 25, overriding the "sheet"

These sheets with consists were prepared by a dept called Fleet Mgt.
They called the shots as in what went where & when.

Those are the guys that have to make the swaps when something shits out..& hope it works out. THATS the worst,thankless job on the Railroad. No matter what you do, somebody always gets screwed.

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