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Re: LIRR Looking to Supplement Current Diesel Fleet

Posted by Joe V on Sat Oct 5 07:49:18 2013, in response to Re: LIRR Looking to Supplement Current Diesel Fleet, posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat Oct 5 02:03:18 2013.

The little roof surgery on the GP38 eventually make a permanent retrofit in the EMD catalog.

Do the new, replica canopies at Jamaica have the exact same clearance issue as the old ones.?

Does this while thing replace the DMU concept for supplemental East End shuttles ?

MARC Sumitomo cars will be freeing up soon as they get NJT-style MLV's.

MBTA will be getting rid of some cars as they get more bi-levels, which are a cross between a Comet-I (built by P-S) and a Comet-II (have traps).

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