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Re: LIRR Looking to Supplement Current Diesel Fleet

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Sat Oct 5 00:01:43 2013, in response to LIRR Looking to Supplement Current Diesel Fleet, posted by lirr42 on Fri Oct 4 22:27:00 2013.

"Group A: Up to five consist that contain two locomotives and seating for 420 passengers each

Does NJ Transit still have their Comet IIIs? This could be a good second life for them... SEPTA has also mothballed their Comet I set and is strapped for cash, they might be willing to lease it out.

Group B: Up to two consist that contain two locomotives and seating for 280 passengers each"

This could theoretically be satisfied by their original C1s, which are currently scattered around the country. Though MARC and MBTA would work as well as long as there was no expectation for these cars to enter Penn Station.


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