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Derailment in 207 St Yard

Posted by R46 5636 on Tue Aug 27 09:16:28 2013

According to a user on NYCTF:

"#1 train, car # 2306, First half of car took the switch while the second half remained on its original track."

"So far the determination is that the operator was setting up for a reverse move and did not clear the switch leaving half the operating cab over the switch. When she moved forward her position stayed on the original track and the back of her cab along with the rest of the the train took the diverging track. FOR 150-200' "

"Train operator has only 4 months on the job."

First off, I thought they no longer stored (1) trains at 207 St Yard.

You can see the thread here: http://www.nyctransitforums.com/forums/topic/42376-207st-yard-derailment/
(Thanks to dp142 on NYCTF)


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