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Re: 4-Car D Train?

Posted by VictorM on Thu Mar 14 21:29:31 2013, in response to Re: 4-Car D Train?, posted by randyo on Thu Mar 14 17:05:46 2013.

Yes, the Saturday GG's ran only 3 cars in those days. I remember one memorable incident at Roosevelt Av where a drunk tried to get on the last dooor of a packed last car. He blocked the door and refused to push his way in or get off. After several tries the conductor got disgusted and overrode the door relay, so the train took off with the drunk half in, half out. Fortunately (for both the drunk and the conductor) the car swayed a little as it left the station so the drunk lurched into the car and the door closed behind him, instead of him falling back onto the platform.


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