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Re: Polo grounds shuttle was to be connected to Lenox Line

Posted by Dyre Dan on Sat Oct 20 04:14:18 2012, in response to Re: Polo grounds shuttle was to be connected to Lenox Line, posted by MATHA531 on Fri Oct 19 18:20:08 2012.

The tickets may have been like bus transfers, with a scale of hours printed on it, and the end torn off at the hour it was issued. That would mean it had to be used within an hour or so of the time it was issued, at least if it was inspected when collected. I'm not sure it really was, though. I know the tickets were dropped into one of those old-fashioned "ticket choppers". I used the ticket-based transfer there (161 Street) once, as a child with my parents. It was apparently instituted in 1948, when inter-divisional transfers were first established in conjunction with the fare increase from 5 cents to 10 cents.

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