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Re: Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans.

Posted by Asgard on Sun Sep 9 14:31:57 2012, in response to Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans., posted by Avid Reader on Sat Sep 8 09:49:57 2012.

From _Trolley Car Treasury_, by Frank Rowsome:

"...between New York and Boston, solely by streetcar. The total fare for this 267-mile jaunt was $3.75 and the actual running time was eighteen hours and eight minutes, to which had to be added any time spent waiting for connections and eating. By 1913 it was almost possible to make a far longer trip, one of breathtaking dimensions. It ran more than 1,000 miles from Waterville, Maine, to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. It would have taken more than a week, with about 150 hours of actual riding time. But a pair of 20-mile gaps in New York State were never closed, and no one ever made the trip purely by trolley.

"It was a pity that no company had the vitality to close those little gaps, if only for a short time. Because in the years that were immediately ahead, it was not the trackage that was to grow, but the gaps."


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