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Re: Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans.

Posted by Asgard on Sun Sep 9 14:24:00 2012, in response to Re: Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans., posted by Avid Reader on Sun Sep 9 09:04:35 2012.

"It has trolley Poles and a Pantograph."

And some Sacramento Northern cars also had removable third rail shoes.
I don't have time to look up the details, but it was the result of a merger between the Oakland, Antioch & Eastern (I *think*) and something else. One line was 600 V, the other 1200. The 1200 V cars could run on the 600 line, with the motors arranged in series; but the 600 V cars couldn't run on the higher voltage.

There was at least one other line -- from memory, the Albany Southern -- which used poles, pantographs, and third rail.

"I wonder if it made any connections with Pacific Electric, or Southern Pacific's electric service?"

It was far too north to connect with PE, but it shared trackage in Oakland with the Key System, and after the Bay Bridge opened, with Key and the Southern Pacific electrics.

The Bay Bridge had both third rail and overhead, to accommodate the three railways.


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