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Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R.

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 7 19:28:36 2012, in response to Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R., posted by Dan on Tue Jun 5 10:03:23 2012.

We all know the 75ft car placed limitations on the B Division..I see no reason to order anymore of them ever again,unless it was for the Atlantic branch takeover...a hybrid car.

Other than that,the 60FT cars will do..only one issue I have..is the linked sets..
A good idea..but kills flexing the equipment via the TA unwillingness to break up sets to suit service requirements for different lines.
As it stands..the Eastern Division has to have its own rolling stock..for obvious reasons..while the C is being FORCED to have 2 4 cars sets operate as 8 car trains..

I wonder why the TA didnt give 65ft cars a try?


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