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Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R.

Posted by r33/r36 mainline on Mon Jun 4 18:53:47 2012, in response to Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R., posted by Gold_12TH on Mon Jun 4 17:31:31 2012.

Looks like that was a photoshop of a Bombardier R142... look at the trucks...

Looks like the photo was really taken in Unionport yard, but I'm certain its a photoshopped photo of a R142, the Car body is clearly a digital rendering while the trucks and other equipment under the train is in real time.

Photo probably taken when the R142 was brand new back in 1999 or so. As those trucks are clean & fresh...


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