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Re: Does anyone have any pictures of pre-GOH R32's with RR displayed in front?

Posted by randyo on Sat Apr 21 16:22:35 2012, in response to Re: Does anyone have any pictures of pre-GOH R32's with RR displayed in front?, posted by Steve B-8AVEXP on Sat Apr 21 16:13:35 2012.

True. Some of the newer planners obviously showed a bit of intelligence, however, they went a little too far. Routes that were traditionally IND should have reverted to the old designations of the letter combined with the trunk line over which they would operate. BMT lines that received IND style letters should have carried only the letter combined with the Bkln branch line over which they would operate. Having a route sign with a north branch line, trunk line, and south branch line on the same sign severely limits the flexibility of the fleet and in some cases requires the installation of multiple signs for each route for all the possible variations of the route. Certain routes in recent years have been changed away from their traditional letter designations which in my not so humble opinion should be in stone reenforced with concrete and rebar and changeable only upon Divine intervention!!!!

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