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Re: Myrtle Avenue El

Posted by randyo on Tue Dec 27 14:54:24 2011, in response to Re: Myrtle Avenue El, posted by Fred G on Fri Mar 5 08:48:32 2010.

As I have said in many posts an old time ERA member and professional engineer once told me that Myrtle could handle anything that the nYCTS had including the D types which were among the heaviest cars that the BMT had. As for the type of car that was to possible replace the Qs, the contract number was R-39 and probably would have been more like an R-38 than an R-32 but of lightweight stainless steel construction nonetheless. The re was to be a sing;e order to be split between the Myrtle Av el in Bkln and the 3 Av el in the Bx. Prior to that there were rumors in the early 1960s of IRT Lo-Vs being sent to Myrtle but for whatever reason nothing ever came of that and by the time that enough R-12s would have been available, Myrtle had ceased operation and only 3 Av got those cars till the end.

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