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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:39:43 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:17:58 2011.

Because that is what was standing in the middle of the rubble, and gave people comfort at the time of the horror the rescuers were going through at the time.

Kinda like my Mother of God Pancake at the Pentagon.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:43:05 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:09:50 2011.

This is what it SAYS in the constitution. THIS and only this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Where is CONGRESS passing a law establishing a religion at the WTC site? Furthermore, it also has no right to "prohibit the free exercise of religion".

It says nothing about ANYTHING else. THAT is the statement in regards to religion. Nothing about "separation of anything", it says it can not PASS A LAW establishing a religion in this country (like the Church of England for example), and that it can't stop people from practicing they way they want. It says NOTHING else. Anything else is something interpreted or read into that.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:44:24 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 02:20:20 2011.

She's a she and she is a full Jew as far as the Reformed Jews are concerned.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:44:46 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:43:05 2011.

yet you want to stop the mosque from being built because you consider it "too close" to "ground zero".

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 02:45:01 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:20:52 2011.

I'm a Buddhist ... show me where my prayer wheel is.

Oh shit ... I've been excluded from the free exercise of MY religion there.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:47:25 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 02:38:42 2011.

There's a reason for our extreme pissoff but I'm not going to go into it here.

Well, no idea what that could mean, but in any event, if the piss is going to get flung at me (as it has, and I didn't start the throwing), don't get pissed off if it's going to get flung back, as I don't deserve, nor need to take that crap. I'm probably one of the most easy going people here, but that doesn't imply I am going to get walked over either. I didn't cast the first stone, and it's not something I want to "throw back", but I also shouldn't have to just sit back and take shit either.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:47:49 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:44:24 2011.

didn't WMATAGMOAGH tell Scrabbleship that it was imposable to convert?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:48:22 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:39:43 2011.

No idea what you are talking about, but do with it as you want.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 02:48:33 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Olog-hai on Thu Jul 28 02:09:35 2011.


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:48:47 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:34:28 2011.

Black supremacy is not a part of the Church of Christ's doctrine so you are wildly off.
They are none other than the product of a merger between Congregationalists and Reformed.
As mainline Protestant as it gets. Like the Methodists or the Presbytarians.

My sister-in-law is white and as conservative as they get.
Her mother was conservative and her step-father was a Church of Christ minister.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:50:03 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:44:46 2011.

Right. No where is Congress saying they can't practice their religion. There are thousands of sites in NYC.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 02:50:33 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:47:49 2011.

I think he was just trying to get Scrabbleship to drop the idea out of embarrassment that they would be of the same religion.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:50:50 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:47:49 2011.

He's not a Reform Jew, I think he's Orthodox (but not sure).

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:52:01 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 02:45:01 2011.

No you haven't. Bring your wheel with you and practice when you visit. No one's stopping you.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:52:40 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:50:03 2011.

No where is Congress saying they can't practice their religion.

no ones stopping them because your side lost.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 02:52:46 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:44:46 2011.

Who said he wants to stop the Ground Zero Victory mosque? Did he go to the protest? Did he sign a petition? He is only saying that it's a victory mosque and we all know it.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 02:53:04 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:47:25 2011.

Then knock off the baiting in this direction and you'll be cool. But we are NOT taking any more republican shit ... period.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:53:49 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:05:55 2011.

So in what way does not placing the cross interfere with anyone's religion? People are free to pray there.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:54:31 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:52:01 2011.

Wow. Bring your CROSS with you and practice when YOU visit. No one's stopping you!


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:54:47 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:48:47 2011.

There was nothing "mainline" about what that preacher was preaching. Those were Black supremacist sermons, of which if a white lunatic minister was spouting, the KKK police would have been called.

My sister-in-law is white and as conservative as they get.
Her mother was conservative and her step-father was a Church of Christ minister.

Good for her. I am happy for her. She's free to practice her religion here.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by The Silence on Thu Jul 28 02:55:31 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 01:22:19 2011.

Not your point, infact, exactly the opposite.

"Congress shall make no law..."

In it's most basic form, the exact words written on that document, the first amendment clauses that deal with religon only forbids congress from outlawing a religion or selecting a national religion. Everything else is just an interpritation that someone made up, and those can change on a moment's notice. In the past 50 years SCOTUS has changed it's mind 4 times on how to interprite those lines.

As far as I go, I see what was written in the 1780s, and that's it. There is nothing there that forbids a popular symbol for hope from tragidy from being displayed in a museum run by a private orgization.

You don't remember those days? just after the towers fell? The fear, the panic and the worry? That cross made people feel better. Did it do that because it was shaped like a cross? adimitly yes, but that's not the point. The point is, it helped to heal. And that's all that matters. We could argue laws and opinions till we're blue in the face and the bones of our fingers are dust from typing. But that cross helped millions of people, who'd just had thier world shattered, to get back to thier lives. It deseres a place of honor, not as a symbol of a religon, but as a symbol for what it did for people.

Maybe you need to think about this from someone else's perspective. I have a relaitve who was an FDNY fireman. He was lucky enough to have had 9/11 off, but he lost a lot of friends. Heck, he lost half his firehouse. He was an emotial trainwreck for months, and he's still not exactly the person he used to be, and probibly never will be.

To simply stand there and raise a high holy stink about the cross is as ingorant and petty as the kind of behavior people like you mock the religous about.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:55:45 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:20:52 2011.

What if your religion prohibits praying in front of a symbol of someone else's religion?

Without religious symbols, nobody is restricted.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:57:21 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 02:30:19 2011.

So South Park was right banning the Mohammed mockery?

Should those Danish cartoons have been banned so that some superstitious mental defective doesn't get pissed off?

That's what Western Civilization should be reduced to if up to people like you.
Fearing illiberal freaks?

that's what I should get from visiting American cemeteries in France, Italy and Belgium?

That we tremble in fear to the likes of Anders Brevik, McVeigh, Major Hasan or Khalid Sheik Mohammad?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:57:49 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:43:05 2011.

A GOVERNMENT MONUMENT is having a cross erected within, ESTABLISHING Christianity as the religion of this monument. It excludes anyone whose religion prohibits entry into a church, which could be any enclosed area marked by a symbol of another religion.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by The Silence on Thu Jul 28 02:58:10 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:44:46 2011.

That's not the government, that's a popular reaction. The first amendment protects you in the court of law, not the court of public opinion.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:58:13 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:50:03 2011.

Including the one on Park Place.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:59:26 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:06:52 2011.

I am missing nothing.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:59:28 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 02:24:58 2011.

Can't say that I didn't think about it.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 03:00:00 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:54:31 2011.

Heh. See what I mean about republicans? :(

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by The Silence on Thu Jul 28 03:00:34 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:59:26 2011.

um, yea, you compelty missed the point of my statement.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by The Silence on Thu Jul 28 03:01:43 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 01:21:05 2011.

you're jumping up and down, making a giantic fuss over what you think is wrong vs what everyone else thinks.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 03:02:17 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:57:21 2011.

Yes. I am against Mohammad mockery, and burning the Koran. I even said so when both were current events.

In fact, when the Koran was burned, the liberal narrative was it makes our soldiers less safe and our country less safe. Now liberals have to worry about people standing up violently to the Lincoln Tunnel billboard, and all the other tactics of the atheists. Eventually extremists will focus on them instead of abortion clinics.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 03:03:41 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:54:31 2011.

I don't plan to do any sort of "worshiping" there, so why should I? I don't do it elsewhere, so why should I do it there of all places? That doesn't stop others from doing what they want to there, it's in the constitution that they are allowed to.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:03:47 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:12:14 2011.

It is exactly what the constitution says. What other interpretation could there possibly be to the twin clauses of no establishment together with free exercise?

Or are you one of those nuts who believes that the Constitution allows the practice of any religion but not no religion at all (which is completely illogical)?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 03:03:57 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by The Silence on Thu Jul 28 02:58:10 2011.

The Haters wanted the GOVERNMENT to stop the mosque funded by the News Corp minority owner.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:04:48 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 02:30:19 2011.

There are millions of signs all across the country promoting one religion or another, and yet you are up in arms over a small number of atheist billboards.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:05:54 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 03:02:17 2011.

At least you're consistent.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 03:06:22 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 03:03:57 2011.

Did a single person here say that government should stop the Victory Mosque @ Ground Zero? Or go to the protests? Or write their congressman?

Makes sense for Fox News to finance the thing. Only helps their ratings.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 03:06:41 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 02:52:46 2011.

Exactly. That's why I am not even responding to "your side" nonsense, as I am not doing anything either way. I am allowed to state I agree more with the people that don't want it there than do want it there, but that's where it ends.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 03:09:05 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:04:48 2011.

People get equally bent out of shape about Jews for Jesus.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 03:09:06 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jul 28 02:53:04 2011.

"Baiting" LOL, yes, as we discussed, you mean the stuff you are "reading in your head into everything, and then pass it off like that's what I said". I thought we just went through this, and were past this earlier.
You truly are obsessed, you "see Republicans" everywhere through whatever glasses you are wearing.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Thu Jul 28 03:09:17 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:04:48 2011.

But the atheist billboard does not promote one religion or another. It MOCKS religion, Christianity in particular, and that's why they will eventually be met with violence. It's the mockery that pisses people off.

And that's what atheists and leftists want. They want violence. Just look at how happy the liberals are about Oslo. They love it because it advances their narrative.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:09:47 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:14:01 2011.

Other pieces of metal were scrapped and will not be stored at the site. What makes this piece special is exactly the reason why it should NOT be displayed at the site.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Thu Jul 28 03:10:57 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 03:06:41 2011.

so do you think the government should stop the Mosque from being built?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 03:11:02 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:53:49 2011.

It doesn't. But it doesn't interfere by placing it either, nor is it something that's prohibited. Placing it there does not constitute "Congress shall pass no law....", which is the ONLY thing written in the constitution in regards to government vs religion. The other statement on religion, further along in the sentence says it can't stop people from worshiping. THAT'S ALL it says.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:11:48 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 02:15:31 2011.

And it's not my or anyone else's fault that you are whatever religion you are. Don't take it out on others if you are upset.

I will take it out on others if you ASSHOLES believe that everyone should be the same religion. This is BY FAR the most DISGUSTING thing you have ever said. So it's "my fault" that I am not a Christian? FUCK YOU!

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jul 28 03:13:02 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 02:55:45 2011.

What if your religion prohibits praying in front of a symbol of someone else's religion?

That's not the government's problem, nor anyone else's problem. Stand somewhere else.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:13:52 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:44:24 2011.

Even Orthodox Jews have a system too and if she were so inclined she could get converted at an Orthodox synagogue (to cover all the bases).

Abraham was a convert to Judaism.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by The Silence on Thu Jul 28 03:14:32 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 03:03:57 2011.

Would you have prefered they try to stop the project themselves? Knee jerk reaction for some people is to run to someone with some sort of authoirty to do something they themselves can't. If you recall, the government, as a unit, did nothing.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 28 03:17:16 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by SMAZ on Thu Jul 28 02:37:34 2011.

At least those people are upfront about their beliefs. A lot of people just assume that everyone sees crosses the same way and are just puzzled as to why anyone would be offended by a government placing one in a government monument.

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