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Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:13:16 2011


Is atheism and douchebaggery mutually inclusive?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:15:57 2011, in response to Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:13:16 2011.

For people who don't believe in God, they should are acting like a bunch of religious nuts.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dave on Wed Jul 27 13:21:56 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:15:57 2011.


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:23:39 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:15:57 2011.


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:26:46 2011, in response to Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:13:16 2011.

While these atheists are correct, since according to my understanding the WTC site is publicly-owned property (even if the buildings are not), then indeed the cross has no place there.

That said, even I would leave this one alone.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011, in response to Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:13:16 2011.

considering that you flipped out about a mosque built blocks away you shouldn't be complaining.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:29:15 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:15:57 2011.

I meant they SURE are acting like a bunch of religious nuts.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:29:46 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:26:46 2011.

shit like this is what will create our version of the Oslo Killer.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:30:05 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.

Good point...

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:31:36 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:26:46 2011.

Total BS. No reason a religious symbol can't be on public property; anything else is a violation of the First Amendment.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:32:09 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:29:46 2011.

Haha we already had at least two (or even three)...

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:32:54 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.

No hypocrisy on the atheists' part? Come on now. Not to mention that the masjid in question isn't on public property besides.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:33:33 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:26:46 2011.

The cross itself is not being displayed as a religious object, but as an uplifting and notable piece of debris. None of that should violate the Establishment Clause.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:34:50 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.

Terrorists weren't Christian, dude.

I don't have a problem with religion, just one particular faith.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:35:28 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.

I don't see your point. Opponents of the "ground zero mosque" argued that the WTC was brought down by Islamic terrorists, therefore building a mosque so close was insensitive. People see it as a "victory mosque".

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:35:38 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.

I don't see your point. Opponents of the "ground zero mosque" argued that the WTC was brought down by Islamic terrorists, therefore building a mosque so close was insensitive and seen as a "victory mosque".

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:36:01 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:32:09 2011.

Loughner is the closest American equivalent.

McVeigh had help and was motivated by political reasons which existed outside his own head.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:36:59 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:33:33 2011.

None of that really violates the Establishment Clause, which has to do with Congress passing laws in favor of an establishment of religion.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:37:32 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:29:15 2011.

You didn't mean that they're certainly acting like a bunch of religious nuts . . . ?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:39:30 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:32:09 2011.

McVeigh? He was purely anti-government, and clearly a domestic terrorist. Oslo shooter was 100% anti-liberal and nothing else. We have not had someone like that yet.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:39:38 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:31:36 2011.

Why do some continue to insist "separation of church and state" is something that exists within the Constitution?


This piece of metal would not violate either of these interpretations.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:41:43 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:30:05 2011.

but the religion practiced in a mosque is what brought down the WTC, so you have to understand the sensitivities. part of the WTC was plotted in a mosque in Germany.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:50:39 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:39:38 2011.

Why do some continue to insist "separation of church and state" is something that exists within the Constitution?

It's leftist transposition; the phrase really existed in the USSR's constitution.

In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:14:34 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:34:50 2011.

Terrorists weren't Christian, dude.

the terrorist who murder Afghan, Iraqi, Libyian and Somali children are.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:25:38 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:14:34 2011.

The Taliban, al-Shabaab and al-Qa'eda are Christians?!? Get over yourself.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:27:22 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:14:34 2011.

The Taliban, al-Shabaab and al-Qa'eda are Christians?!? Get over yourself.

Oh yeah; you're really going to beat yourself up when you finally realize how FOS antiwar.com is.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by The Silence on Wed Jul 27 14:30:49 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:15:57 2011.

that's all atheisum is, a reglion of no god.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:35:08 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:27:22 2011.

The Taliban, al-Shabaab and al-Qa'eda are Christians?!?

no Bush and Obama are.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:36:06 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:35:08 2011.

None of them murdered children. And Obama's religion is still in question anyhow.

Get your head out of antiwar.com. No truth there.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:39:26 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:36:06 2011.

None of them murdered children.

yes they have i've been posting about it all the time

And Obama's religion is still in question anyhow.

oh please.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:48:35 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:39:26 2011.

yes they have i've been posting about it all the time

. . . from antiwar.com. Not only are they slanted against the USA, they puff up casualty figures.

oh please

Oh please what? Obama's religion is most definitely in question. The church he goes to know isn't Christian; certainly his prior church wasn't Christian. My personal opinion is that he's irreligious; not atheist, but just doesn't think about it except for political gain. Do you see him calling for days of prayer and fasting over the crises of the economy and the drought in the south . . . ?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:49:00 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:39:26 2011.

yes they have i've been posting about it all the time

. . . from antiwar.com. Not only are they slanted against the USA, they puff up casualty figures.

oh please

Oh please what? Obama's religion is most definitely in question. The church he goes to now isn't Christian; certainly his prior church wasn't Christian. My personal opinion is that he's irreligious; not atheist, but just doesn't think about it except for political gain. Do you see him calling for days of prayer and fasting over the crises of the economy and the drought in the south . . . ?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:52:37 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 14:48:35 2011.

. . . from antiwar.com. Not only are they slanted against the USA, they puff up casualty figures.

no they report the truth

Do you see him calling for days of prayer and fasting over the crises of the economy and the drought in the south . . . ?

like that's going to do any good.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 15:05:32 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:52:37 2011.

no they report the truth


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 15:19:22 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jul 27 13:37:32 2011.

Yes, that too. Brain freeze today.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by AlM on Wed Jul 27 15:24:31 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:39:26 2011.

If you shoot at me and I shoot back and kill a child, it may be recklessness but it's not murder.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by AlM on Wed Jul 27 15:37:36 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:39:38 2011.

Why do some continue to insist "separation of church and state" is something that exists within the Constitution?

Petty point. Any substantial non-separation of church and state would require legislation and therefore violate the clause you cite.

A more substantive question would be: why has the Supreme Court consistently said that non-legislative symbolic connections of church and state (like a governor saying a prayer at meeting or something like that) violate the clause you cite? I wonder if it is more that such an action would prevent the free exercise of religion. But I haven't read up on the opinions.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Scorpio7 on Wed Jul 27 15:44:29 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:34:50 2011.

"Terrorists weren't Christian, dude."

Neither were all of victims. So why ONLY a cross? Why no symbols of other religions and convictions too? After all, 9/11 didn't just kill Christians, it killed many atheists, Jews and Muslims too. If you're going to put a cross in the museum, you should have symbols of the others too. That's what this lawsuit is really about.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by clearaspect on Wed Jul 27 15:53:58 2011, in response to Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:13:16 2011.

I feel the exact same way as you. This lawsuit is disgusting.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jul 27 16:39:44 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:26:46 2011.

The atheists are not correct! Allowing a religious symbol on public property is not the same as "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ....", This does not violate the separation of church and state in any way.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 16:43:41 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 14:35:08 2011.

Labeling Obama a "Christian" is dubious at best.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jul 27 16:51:20 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 16:43:41 2011.


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 17:04:30 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 16:43:41 2011.

btw- I'm not saying that he's a "secret Muslim". He has nothing to do with that religion. Just that calling Obama a "Christian" is misleading. Saying that same sentence as GW Bush is laughable.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:13:08 2011, in response to Those atheists are at it again, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jul 27 13:13:16 2011.

This is almost as douchebaggery as the Westboro pieces of garbage, except the opposite perspective.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:13:27 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.


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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:17:58 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Scorpio7 on Wed Jul 27 15:44:29 2011.

Because that is what was standing in the middle of the rubble, and gave people comfort at the time of the horror the rescuers were going through at the time.
And anyway, what concern of it of yours what is or isn't placed in the Memorial?

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:22:59 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by JayMan on Wed Jul 27 13:26:46 2011.

They are not correct. Our Constitution does not prohibit religious items on public property. It only prohibits the establishment of a state religion, or more importantly, it states that government can't prohibit the free exercise of religion.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:23:42 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Mitch45 on Wed Jul 27 13:15:57 2011.

They are actually more rabid than some of the Religious nuts.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:26:00 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jul 27 13:35:38 2011.

Sort of like putting a Japanese Heritage Center near Pearl Harbor.

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Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jul 27 20:26:54 2011, in response to Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Wed Jul 27 13:27:18 2011.

Why, Radical Christian Fundamentalist Extremists didn't destroy the WTC with thousands of people in them.

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