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Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011

Brasilia, the current capital of Brazil, is one of the world's most famous planned cities. After hundreds of years of consideration, proposals, and ultimately a constitutional amendment to move the capital of Brazil from Rio de Janeiro inland, both for security reasons (Rio is right on the ocean) and to be closer to the geographic center of the huge country, the city was literally built out of the ground starting in 1956, and it was officially inaugurated in 1960. The chief urban planner was Lucio Costo and the primary architect was Oscar Niemeyer. The city was designed with the notion that everything had a particular place. There are different sectors of the city for shopping malls, government ministries, and hotels. So for example, all the hotels are concentrated in two sectors near the center of the city. If you don't like where you initially booked your reservation, finding another place to stay is easy since half the city's hotels are within walking distance of where you are. (More hotel sectors have been built recently outside the city center.) Residential areas are strictly residential. Each superblock for housing also has a grocery store, dry cleaner, hardware store, convenience store, and maybe a restaurant or two, but if you really want to go shopping, you have to go to one of the shopping sectors, where you can find all the shopping malls next to each other. The city was also designed with the notion that no one would walk anywhere, and everyone would just drive. As a result, there are few traffic lights, huge highway interchanges, and being a pedestrian in this city is quite difficult. Having an interest in planning, I visited Brasilia when I was in Brazil last summer and as a result of a slight topic drift over on BusChat, decided to share some photos of the city here.

I think the idea of a totally planned city such as this one is a nice idea in theory, but in practice, there are issues with actually building a city this way. Getting around without a car is difficult. The city is very spread out, and one can't do much in the way of shopping or entertainment near one's home. While Brasilia was initially a commuter city that died on the weekends, more and more people are living there full time. Additionally, many of the poor laborers who came to work there when the city was built have had difficult lives since the city's construction was completed, though there aren't any favelas close to the city itself, there are favelas and tent cities in the surrounding area. Fortunately, Brasilia is safer than most other Brazilian cities, but it has gotten more dangerous in recent years. It is a fascinating place to visit and I encourage anyone who goes to Brazil to consider visiting it, especially if they have an interest in city planning or architecture.

A copy of the original city plan by Lucia Costa:

Scale model of the city:

View of the Exio Monumental (the Brazilian equivalent of the National Mall, but much longer than its DC equivalent):

Cathedral of Brasilia (Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida):

Congresso Nacional (National Congress) building, which houses the houses of the legislature:

Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazilian Supreme Court):

Palacio de Planato (Presidential office space):

Palacio da Alvorada (Presidential residence):

Palacio de Justicia, Justice Ministry offices:

Palacio Itamaraty (Ministry of Foreign Relations)

Museu Nacional da Republica (National Museum)

The Esplanada dos Ministirios (Ministries Esplanade)

Santuario Dom Bosco (this church only has one source of artificial light, the chandelier in the middle of the church, visitors can pay 10 BRL to illuminate it for 1 minute):

Cathedral, Ministry buildings, and Congresso Nacional:

National Museum, Cathedral, Ministry buildings, and Congresso Nacional:

An extremely wide street:

Huge highway interchange in the center of the city:

Pedestrians struggling to cross a street:

Feel free to comment or ask questions about my visit there...

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:00:36 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

Worst city in the world. It's everything that was wrong with the 60's in one location.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jan 19 17:02:40 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

Great photos.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jan 19 17:20:01 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

Wow, what an excellent set of photos. Some of it is like Metropolis, some smacks of Soviet urban planning, some really striking out of the ordinary architecture on others. The interior shots of the cathedral are awesome.

your pal,

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:32:30 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Fred G on Wed Jan 19 17:20:01 2011.

What's even more amusing is how much it resembles Rockefeller's Smallbany ...

Empire State Plaza:


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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:35:36 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:00:36 2011.

Worst? I've been to places I've disliked far more (and to be clear, I liked Brasilia as a place to visit, though I imagine living there might be quite different). I can also think of far worse applications of 1960s planning than Brasilia. At least Brasilia has what appeared to be direct bus services (not winding through neighborhoods), the ability to walk within a superblock to commerce, the church, etc., and fascinating architecture.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:35:46 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by LuchAAA on Wed Jan 19 17:02:40 2011.


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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:37:24 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:32:30 2011.

Which came first? Those buildings or Brasilia? Also, Oscar Niemeyer is a world renowned architect. Is anyone well known behind those buildings as well?

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:38:23 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:00:36 2011.

False! Come to Albany. Rockefeller republicans outdid Brasilia! :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:38:57 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:32:30 2011.


This looks eerily like Caprica from BSG.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:40:14 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:38:23 2011.

Rockefeller republicans are Democrats. Same thing, fewer letters.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:41:16 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Fred G on Wed Jan 19 17:20:01 2011.

Thanks Fred!

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:42:01 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

Forgot to mention more photos can be found here...

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:44:03 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:37:24 2011.

Brasilia began in 1957. ESP started going up in 1959. ESP was designed by Wallace Harrison but you can guess where Rockefeller got his Edifice complex from though Niemeyer had nothing to do with it. Like Brasilia though, the cost of maintaining these monstrosities are beyond belief. I thought Unca Fred would get a kick out of having "Central Planning" infrastructure within his reach without the cost of a plane ticket. :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:46:02 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:40:14 2011.

Uh, no ... but thanks for playing.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:46:54 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:44:03 2011.

Do you have any proof on what it costs to maintain Brasilia's buildings?

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:51:05 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:38:57 2011.

SUNY Albany is definitely another planet ... their motto, "The future of humanity begins with a toga party."

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:55:01 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:46:54 2011.

I don't bother collecting proof over things I'm not interested in, that's kind of an OCD thing in my book. Like anything else, hearsay ... there was a thing on 60 Minutes a couple of weeks ago about the government of Brasil, and in that show, a reference was made to the expense of maintaining the capitol ... that's all I've got to offer.

Great stuff on your end though ...

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:56:33 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:55:01 2011.

Good enough. I'm not expecting a perfect citation, but just saying it with no citation either doesn't really work.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:56:46 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:56:33 2011.

And thank you for the compliments on the photos.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:58:32 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:56:33 2011.

No prob ... I don't do cites unless it's necessary from a technical perspective. Opinions shouldn't require a notary. :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 19 18:21:28 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:38:23 2011.

I like the Empire State Plaza. It's just so cool looking (I am a fan of good modernism). And in northern cities, underground connections are a godsend.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 19 18:23:57 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Wed Jan 19 17:38:57 2011.

Why eerily? Caprica was designed by 21st Century "new" Earth writers who designed a world that looked at once futuristic and contemporary. No wonder they made their buildings look like actual buildings.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 18:28:02 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 19 18:21:28 2011.

I worked there for better than 12 years ... yes, it was indeed nice to go cop lunch, take a walk, and go to other agency buildings underground. And as cool as that may be, the absolute BEST part of the complex is actually the SUBWAY between the capitol (west hallway on the ground floor) and the A.E.Smith building ... even has a Rockefeller Center styled sign over the entrance that says "[ SUBWAY ]" ... but the train service sucks. :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 18:44:12 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 17:55:01 2011.


I don't bother collecting proof over things I'm not interested in

Typical SelkirkTMO excuse. You make sh*t up and then can't back it up.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 18:44:57 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 17:56:33 2011.

No way. He should have some reasonable explanation for how he came to make his statement of fact. But he has none. As almost always.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by italianstallion on Wed Jan 19 18:45:52 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.


I take it there are no trains there?

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 18:59:58 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 18:44:57 2011.

Your OCD impresses the shit out of us all ... here ... have something useful to do while you're here:

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 19:03:12 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 18:44:12 2011.

Yeah, how about that ... it vexes you, doesn't it?


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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 19:09:23 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 18:44:57 2011.

He cited 60 Minutes as his source. I'd rather he had done so the first time he mentioned it.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 19:15:36 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by italianstallion on Wed Jan 19 18:45:52 2011.

You can't look at photos without trains?

I think they have a single Metro line that goes out from the center of the city toawrds the suburbs, not really useful for tourists and I didn't have time to ride any part it. Some stations were supposedly closed for renovation as it was. I also read there is a light rail under construction.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 19:16:08 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 19:09:23 2011.

Either way, what does it matter? If the issue is important, I wouldn't take someone else's word for it in the first place, I'd go look it up independently of anyone else's posts regardless of the credibility or lack of credibility of any poster. General conversation though shouldn't be taken as a religious belief, especially *here* ... :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 19:39:48 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 18:59:58 2011.

i pick both ..........lol

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Bob Andersen on Wed Jan 19 19:49:49 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

Great photos, and thanks for the geography/history lesson!

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by jeffx on Wed Jan 19 20:02:51 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

I remember when I was at Pratt studying architecture, we did learn about this city. Was told it was a near-failure and nobody wanted to live there. Buildings weren't built all that well (perhaps much of the concrete wasn't reinforced - but hey, it's SA). I can see how there would be huge costs associated with its upkeep - all those structures probably spall like crazy. And you can see in some of the photos that some of those structures aren't aging too well.

It's just one step up over Pyongyang. Put some traffic girls at the intersections, please.

But great photos!

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 20:51:43 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 19:39:48 2011.

proff? :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 20:57:19 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 20:51:43 2011.

i want both choices not just one

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 21:03:32 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 20:57:19 2011.

You came to the right place! :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 21:04:22 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 21:03:32 2011.

one dollar double cheeseburger is my favorite !

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 21:09:19 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 21:04:22 2011.

Fries or rings? :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Wed Jan 19 21:24:11 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 21:09:19 2011.

sometimes fries lol

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 22:41:19 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 19:09:23 2011.

He probably made that up. He's notoriously unreliable and incorrect.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 22:42:08 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 19:03:12 2011.

It just further proves how much you don't know and how wrong you almost always are.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 22:43:57 2011, in response to Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 16:21:18 2011.

weird. cool.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 23:34:50 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 22:42:08 2011.

Yes ... we all know all about your perfection.

Which is why you're on here instead of pleasing your woman. I think it's your Darth Vader costume that might be the problem, sorry your style prospects are so weak when they won't let you out of the mailroom. :)

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by italianstallion on Wed Jan 19 23:48:35 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Jan 19 19:15:36 2011.

It wasn't boring because it had no trains. The architecture and layout were bland and lacking soul.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Thu Jan 20 00:07:53 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jan 19 22:42:08 2011.

Changing the subject and making pathetic attempts at personal attacks just further proves how much you don't know and how wrong you almost always are.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by Terrapin Station on Thu Jan 20 00:08:15 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 19 23:34:50 2011.

Oops, meant to put this here:

Changing the subject and making pathetic attempts at personal attacks just further proves how much you don't know and how wrong you almost always are.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jan 20 00:17:03 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Thu Jan 20 00:07:53 2011.

Truer words were never spoken ... look at who you responded to, dumbass.

Excellent work! Heh.

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Re: Some Photos from Brasilia

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Jan 20 00:20:55 2011, in response to Re: Some Photos from Brasilia, posted by Terrapin Station on Thu Jan 20 00:08:15 2011.

Trying to talk your way out by lying to everyone now?

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