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(Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 01:28:17 2024


Fordham. Distance running. Why divorce with such young kids?

Two girls. Interesting. She had kids later in life and I'm sure the father is about her age. A theory that when men over 35 father children the chances of having a girl increases. I think declining testosterone is thought to be the blame.

Autism severity is another observation in kids fathered by men over 35.

Manhattan people love running.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 12:39:01 2024, in response to (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 01:28:17 2024.

-*Two girls. Interesting. She had kids later in life and I'm sure the father is about her age. A theory that when men over 35 father children the chances of having a girl increases. I think declining testosterone is thought to be the blame.

Autism severity is another observation in kids fathered by men over 35.-*

That sounds silly to me

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 12:51:14 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 12:39:01 2024.

Autism experts made the observation. I would ask, who fathers children under age 35, and under 30 these days? There needs to be a comparison.

Honestly the people I know with severely autistic kids fathered their kids over 35.

And most of the couples I know who had kids after 35 had more girls.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by Peter Rosa on Sat Jul 27 13:38:00 2024, in response to (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 01:28:17 2024.

While the incident would have gotten some media attention because of its location, there would be nothing like the present amount if it involved blacks or browns.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 13:55:38 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by Peter Rosa on Sat Jul 27 13:38:00 2024.

I disagree. It's the fact that women are involved makes it newsworthy.

How many shooting perps are women? This makes it so shocking IMO.

In general most gun perps and victims are men.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 16:46:06 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 12:51:14 2024.

I wouldn’t doubt you’ve researched this topic and came across this in your readings. But from profession experience myself I can tell you the schools have throngs of autistic children and few of their parents are over 35.
The one friend I have with autistic kids was under 35 when they were born.
And one couple I know had a son when they were over 35 and he’s as masculine as it’s gets he he’s not autistic. And that’s me by the way.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 18:56:46 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 16:46:06 2024.

I agree with you. I don't think age is the cause. I think it's hereditary. I wonder of age of the father, or environmental factors make it worse?

You work in The Bronx where lower income parents have kids much younger.

Overall when men father children under 35 more likely to have a boy. The ratio of girls being born is increasing as people have kids later in life.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jul 27 20:05:12 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 16:46:06 2024.

I was 37 when my first kid was born. I have both genders, no problems at all!

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 22:21:08 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 18:56:46 2024.

On a side note you must know I have some great conversations about subway, rail, and buses in the metro area. Including art work.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 22:21:58 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jul 27 20:05:12 2024.

I had boy and girl at 23 and 27 respectively.

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Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES

Posted by LuchAAA on Sat Jul 27 22:58:40 2024, in response to Re: (Video)Murder-suicide leaves two women dead on UES, posted by Catfish 44 on Sat Jul 27 22:21:08 2024.

I know.

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