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Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 07:15:23 2024


Democracy in action -democRAT style!!

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jul 23 08:45:14 2024, in response to Nominated, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 07:15:23 2024.

She pays for a lot of votes. Every neo-nazi that she personally pays to bail out of jail is a payment for their votes.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 10:30:00 2024, in response to Nominated, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 07:15:23 2024.

She's the presumptive nominee at best. The Democrats have yet to nominate anyone (by any process) to be president, won't do so until next month, and never planned to do so any time other than next month. In other words, this is outright false.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 10:33:36 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 10:30:00 2024.

So i guess the report that Eric holder is vetting potential running mates is also false

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Re: Nominated

Posted by mtk52983 on Tue Jul 23 10:37:54 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 10:33:36 2024.

The two most likely candidates I see for VP are Josh Shapiro (Governor of Pennsylvania) and Roy Cooper (Governor of North Carolina).

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 10:50:34 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by mtk52983 on Tue Jul 23 10:37:54 2024.

Based not on who is competent to run the nation if needed but who can deliver awing state votes for the democRATS.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 10:53:11 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 10:50:34 2024.

This is how every vice president has been chosen, always.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 10:53:54 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 10:30:00 2024.

She’s the presumptive nominee, which is what he meant.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 10:55:07 2024, in response to Nominated, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 07:15:23 2024.

And if Biden hadn’t resigned, she’d have become President without a single electoral vote for president. That’s how the Vice Presidency works. At least by nominating the sitting vice president there’s still a legitimate claim to being the heir apparent.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 10:55:21 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 10:53:11 2024.

Except mist recently kamala harris who was chosen because she is a "black female" (by biden's own words)

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 10:58:52 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 10:30:00 2024.

How is it even a little false, much less outright, assuming that someone is eventually nominated? Unless someone is nominated that Democratics voted to be their President, it's true isn't it? I think that Republicans have already started using this talking point in light of Democratics stating that voting for them is saving democracy.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 10:59:25 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 10:30:00 2024.

How is it even a little false, much less outright, assuming that someone is eventually nominated? Unless someone is nominated that Democratic voters voted to be their President, it's true isn't it? I think that Republicans have already started using this talking point in light of Democratics stating that voting for them is saving democracy.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:01:50 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 10:53:54 2024.

He didn't even mention her. The point is that Democratic voters chose Biden, but Party leaders forced him to resign so that someone that voters didn't choose could run.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 11:07:03 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:01:50 2024.

Furthermore, that person who has been made "heir apparent", was out of the 2020 campaign without ever receiving a single primary vote.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 11:37:00 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:01:50 2024.

Party leaders didn't force him to resign.

But if he hadn't resigned, he would probably not have been able to get a majority of the 4800 delegates to vote for him. Are you saying the Party has 4800 leaders? That's a lot of leaders.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:46:01 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 11:37:00 2024.

Force, coerce, something else,...you can pick the correct word.

That's the point. You go to voters and have a huge election with campaigns all over the country. Then in the end you say that it doesn't matter. The delegates are voting for someone else. I realize that these may have been extraordinary circumstances but with this precedent, it's bound to be part of the playbook eroding voter confidence.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Tue Jul 23 12:11:08 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 10:30:00 2024.

Let me guess, you voting for Kamala?

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:39:52 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 23 10:55:21 2024.

Which is itself a constituency.

But he didn’t say he chose her because she was a black female.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:41:28 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:01:50 2024.

It was the media who decided to pile on Biden.

But if he couldn’t run anymore, what the fuck was he supposed to do? If a president dies, his corpse doesn’t stay the president, the vice president takes over.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:42:11 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 11:37:00 2024.

The delegates were obligated to vote for him.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:43:23 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:46:01 2024.

They had an election in 1972 where voters overwhelmingly picked Nixon to be their president until 1977, but then he resigned and someone else became president whom no elector voted for.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 12:48:00 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 11:46:01 2024.

It is specifically in the delegates' discretion to use their judgment if circumstances change. Circumstances changed.

What if Biden had had a documented TIA? Is that what you would think would be required for delegates to go back on their pledge? Or would it have needed to be a full-fledged stroke?

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Dand124 on Tue Jul 23 12:54:17 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:42:11 2024.

My understanding is they aren't legally required to vote for anyone.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 12:54:57 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:42:11 2024.

They are pledged, but there is no legal penalty for violating the pledge. The biggest penalty is ostracism from the party.

I can't find it now, but I've seen some kind of good conscience or good judgment override as well.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 14:02:26 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 12:43:23 2024.

I get it but the voters got to vote on the ticket. There’s already an understanding that the VP may become the President. 1968 may be a good example where the person that finished with only 3% of the Democratic vote ended up being the nominee due to an assassination.

Republicans are making the claim, maybe with some merit, that unless Biden steps down before the end of his term that Democratic voters votes should count.

Personally I like that she’s the nominee. There was no way that O would have voted for either geriatric candidate. I’m not a fan of her at all but at least she’s functioning at her baseline level.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 14:06:38 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 12:48:00 2024.

Yeah but what I read is that it was Biden’s lack of support among donors and that he would likely lose that led to this decision. Top Democratics were publicly supporting Biden even after the debate. It was his recent polling that led to this decision.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 14:13:10 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 14:02:26 2024.

In the case of 1968 the primaries were meaningless.

As for Harris, I was apprehensive about replacing Biden, but now I’m coconut-pilled.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 14:31:42 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 14:02:26 2024.

Republicans are making the claim, maybe with some merit, that unless Biden steps down before the end of his term that Democratic voters votes should count.

There is no merit at all.

Say they sue. Biden submits a doctor's note saying he has a permanent disability that will get worse over the next 4.5 years. Case over, even if it wasn't over already.

Equally important, the Democratic Party has a formal procedure for nominating its candidate. They are following that procedure to the letter. Biden had not yet been nominated under that procedure when he pulled out.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 14:36:15 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 14:06:38 2024.

If Biden had prevailed and gotten nominated, the donors would have come back. Just like George Clooney and everyone else wasn't saying that they wanted Trump, just that they wanted a different Democrat than Biden.

The only people who really matter are the delegates, and Biden's aides were polling them.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 14:38:20 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 10:58:52 2024.

I think that Republicans have already started using this talking point in light of Democratics stating that voting for them is saving democracy.

TD's post echoes said talking point that is meant to create the impression that the Democrats are undermining the democratic process in a way similar to how Trump attempted to disrupt the Electoral College count in 2021. The Democrats are doing nothing of the sort.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 14:39:33 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 10:53:54 2024.

I don't think that's what he meant. He seems to be parroting a dangerous Republican talking point meant to obscure the fact that the GOP is a risk to democracy.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 14:45:14 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 14:13:10 2024.

You're a lost cause.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 14:56:41 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 14:45:14 2024.


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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 15:10:49 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 14:13:10 2024.

The 1968 primaries were perhaps more useful than the 2024 primaries. At least someone that actually had votes was nominated.

I’m just being devil’s advocate to some extent, although I can see the merit in that take. My personal reality is that as. Democrat

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 15:11:11 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 14:13:10 2024.

The 1968 primaries were perhaps more useful than the 2024 primaries. At least someone that actually had votes was nominated.

I’m just being devil’s advocate to some extent, although I can see the merit in that take.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:13:22 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 15:10:49 2024.

I thought that HHH did not win a single primary?

Anyway, it’s not undemocratic. You can’t force Biden to keep running, and the previously established rules of the Democratic Party provide for this eventuality.

Compare this to the illegal and unconstitutional fake electoral scheme.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Tue Jul 23 15:21:12 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 14:38:20 2024.


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Re: Nominated

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 15:27:18 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 14:56:41 2024.

Party over everything else. You are a (I assume) successful lawyer. I can't fathom why you embrace the current Democratic Party and their money-sucking policies. You're at the age where you would want to be fiscally conservative.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 15:33:44 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:13:22 2024.

He's Chief Content Officer! He did pretty well for himself by banging the boss's daughter and marrying her.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jul 23 15:37:29 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 15:27:18 2024.

Those are the policies of the Democratic Party of the past too. They would have been upon us much sooner if not for Reagan.

And what good is it to merely be "fiscally conservative", if you can have it without social "conservatism" as the libertarians claim? A socially-liberal society requires big government to keep violent uproar at a minimum, thus stifling all peoples' rights.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 15:37:50 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Jul 23 14:38:20 2024.

Be careful. “Democrat” is considered a Republican trigger word per Al. They preferred to be called Democratics because it’s the “Democratic Party”.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:52:49 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 15:33:44 2024.


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Re: Nominated

Posted by AlM on Tue Jul 23 15:53:10 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Easy on Tue Jul 23 15:37:50 2024.

I truly hope that's a joke. :)

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:54:45 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 15:27:18 2024.

I prefer destitution to tyranny. I will never vote for the fascist party.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:55:38 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:54:45 2024.

Of course, this assumes that the Republicans are actually better for my financial well-being than the Republicans, that isn’t true at all.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 16:25:52 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:54:45 2024.

Don't drag the rest of us down with you.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 16:26:28 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:55:38 2024.

They can't be any worse!

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Re: Nominated

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 16:26:42 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 15:52:49 2024.


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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 16:27:12 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 16:25:52 2024.

I say the same about you.

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Re: Nominated

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jul 23 16:27:32 2024, in response to Re: Nominated, posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jul 23 16:26:28 2024.

No, they’re much worse.

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