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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 09:16:52 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 09:00:21 2024.

Which reinforces the argument that Joe Biden has engaged in any corrupt deals. Media and Congressional investigators have been looking for stuff o Joe for many years now and have come up empty-handed. All the key witnesses have turned out to be crooks with their own axe to grind.*

* And unlike Michael Cohen, another crook with his own axe to grind, the anti-Biden witnesses don't have corroborating evidence on paper.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 10:03:03 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 09:16:52 2024.

Its not over yet. After all they still haven't explained how he got 2 houses, the first one bought for $350k in 1996 and that $2.7 mil mansion in 2017 both in Delaware on a senator's salary for almost 50 years and a VP salary for 8 years. I wonder if they'd let Trump get away with that?
I dont think so.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by bingbong on Wed Jun 12 10:10:09 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 22:29:03 2024.

It was tossed away by the judge for another reason, which was intended to ensure the plea’s longevity. Typically, the DOJ ensures this. There was a legitimate concern of the case becoming political should a republican administration seeking "revenge" throwing out the agreement and pursuing trial. Hunter Biden is clearly not above the law, at the same time there is no rhyme or reason for him to be a political prisoner on the basis of a surname. The original plea agreement specified the judge would have this responsibility. This is the "irregularity" many press outlets reported. The judge didn’t want the responsibility.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by bingbong on Wed Jun 12 10:16:17 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 10:03:03 2024.

Book deals. He made a fortune on book deals. That's common knowledge.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by bingbong on Wed Jun 12 10:16:33 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 10:03:03 2024.

Book deals. He made a fortune on book deals. That's common knowledge.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 11:08:24 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 10:03:03 2024.

Oh my God, you really have your head in the sand. Where do you get this crap?

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 11:19:09 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 11:08:24 2024.

Like Casey Stengel used to say, "You could look it up" Hate to rebut any of your posts with facts.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 11:31:51 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by bingbong on Wed Jun 12 10:16:17 2024.

Common knowledge? You ignorant twit.

"Biden earned between $2,500 and $5,000 in book royalties in 2022, down from $30,000 a year earlier. He also earned less than $3,000 in “speaking and writing engagements”, from close to $30,000 last year, the disclosures show. The disclosures, which included Jill Biden's income, showed her book royalties also dropped.May 15, 2023

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 11:34:31 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 11:19:09 2024.

AlM is a malignant narcissist and a compulsive liar.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Wed Jun 12 12:02:55 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 11:31:51 2024.

How would book royalties received in 2022 and 2023 have helped Biden purchase homes in 1996 and 2017?

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 12:32:19 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 11:08:24 2024.

And $350K in 1996? LOL!

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 13:29:19 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 16:32:53 2024.

It is what it is.

He played with the system, and got caught.

The Only reason why this became "a thing" is something we All know.
What makes this even more bullshit, is that this man is not involved in the political spectrum.
Not running for office, not elected officer.. nothing.
He's the son of a sitting President, and the target of the Maga Republicans vendetta.
It's pretty much out there for everyone to see.

Not only that, the same "gun change" was addressed Before,dealt with, but politics got in the way via Maga.

The bullshit is outstanding.

However, I honestly don't even care about this.
I just like to point out the hypocrisy of it all.

More to the point,"You go after Trump,We go after Biden and his family"

Is this a coincidence?
Not at all.

Couldn't "get Biden" on bullshit impeachment charges, so "getting Hunter" was the best option.

On "gun charges",with 10 plus years in prison on the table..
First offender.


Everyone knows what this case is about.
Hurt Joe Biden and his family.
Make Joe look bad, make Joe and Hunter look just as bad as Trump.

Pretty cut and dry.

However, what folks are forgetting,is the fact that nobody gives a shit.
This isn't news.
Never has been.

Maga, the media Made it "news".

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 14:37:01 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Stephen Bauman on Wed Jun 12 12:02:55 2024.

That's more proof the the douche bag posted

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 16:08:25 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 11:19:09 2024.

Yeah, you're looking it up in sources that refuse to acknowledge that Biden wrote a very well-selling book.

This particular libel on Biden is so old and discredited its ridiculous.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 16:35:33 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 11:19:09 2024.

The only evidence that biden made money from books he wrote or from spealing fees come from his own tax returns. Of course he could be laundering ill gotten gains.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 17:35:27 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Stephen Bauman on Wed Jun 12 12:02:55 2024.

Good point!

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Wed Jun 12 19:34:07 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 16:35:33 2024.

The only evidence that biden made money from books he wrote or from spealing fees come from his own tax returns.

So when is Trump making his tax returns public?

As for Biden, here's an old LA Times article that shows his income from his released income taxes.


Joe Biden’s income soared from less than $400,000 a year while he was vice president to more than $15 million in the two years after he left the Obama White House, a spike in wealth due to sales of his 2017 book and speaking fees that routinely ran more than $100,000 per event....

...After signing a multimillion-dollar, three-book deal with Flatiron Books, Biden and his wife, Jill, purchased a six-bedroom vacation house in Rehoboth Beach, Del., for $2.7 million...

...“Today’s releases, in combination with the 10 years of taxes he released during the campaign in 2008 and his regular release as vice president, mean that Vice President Biden has now made public the last 21 years of tax returns — more than any other candidate currently running for president,”...

...But the lion’s share of Biden’s new-found wealth came as a result of the sale of the former vice president’s 2017 book, “Promise Me, Dad,” and his speaking fees...

...Overall, the documents showed the Bidens reported income of $396,456 in 2016, more than $11 million in 2017 and $4.6 million in 2018.

Of course he could be laundering ill gotten gains.

So, you concur that Trump by not releasing his tax returns means that he could have been laundering ill gotten gains.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 21:06:25 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 16:08:25 2024.

Libel or label??

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 21:14:51 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 21:06:25 2024.


The accusation is that he got rich by accepting bribes. The truth is that he got rich by selling lots and lots of copies of his book, plus charging big speaking fees.

All of this has been known for close to 10 years, but your sources are still spewing lies.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 21:20:23 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 13:29:19 2024.

There's an interesting and relevant parallel between how Joe Biden runs the country and supervises his family. He is the Biden patriarch as well as the President, and his decision-making is strange in both situations.
Hunter Biden never should have gone to trial. The evidence that he illegally bought a handgun is overwhelming. His defense was, "I'm a drug addict; you can't hold me responsible."
Hunter and his hapless but very expensive lawyers could and should have copped a plea and taken the light sentence he'll get in September without all the frenzy.
Instead, he allows federal prosecutors to embarrass him and his family; his former girlfriend even says Hunter led her into crack addiction. Nice.
Joe Biden should have insisted his son back off and plead guilty because he is guilty. Now, the President says Hunter might appeal. Appeal what? The evidence is overwhelming.

So what can Joe Biden possibly be thinking? I don't know. At this point, is he capable of thinking at all? Again, I don't know.

But I do know this. The Biden family collective resume has not been enhanced. Hunter is the only child of a president in office, ever to be convicted of a crime.

The whole thing is one big mess, just like the country.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 21:30:54 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 12 21:14:51 2024.

Proof? Of course not!

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by 3-9 on Wed Jun 12 21:32:34 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 21:20:23 2024.

Yeah, it shows that Joe Biden isn't an iron-fisted patriarch. He's obviously not dictating to his son Hunter how he should do things, since Hunter is an adult in his 40's.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 22:10:55 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Stephen Bauman on Wed Jun 12 19:34:07 2024.


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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 22:21:59 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 21:20:23 2024.

Non factor.
This isn't news.

This is a "Private citizen" being propped up,served up to the "general public" as cannon fodder.

You know it, like I know it, and not all of the Repulsive repuke dirty tricks will change anything.
The man is guilty of committing a crime,then he pays for THAT CRIME..

His father didn't make him use,nor did his "mom".
What makes this truly disgusting, is how Maggot maga used this man.. breaking several laws doing so themselves.

However, I see you are under the impression that Maga is going to win...

Please, enlighten me on how this is possible.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 22:29:38 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by 3-9 on Wed Jun 12 21:32:34 2024.

He’s in his 50s.

And this is a point that I’ve made before. His supposedly soft parenting is a metaphor for his soft parenting of the country, which is what I actually look for in a president.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 22:32:18 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 12 21:20:23 2024.

Jenna and Barbara Bush were convicted of a crime while their father was in office. Hunter Biden is to my knowledge the only presidential child to be convicted of felony.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 12 22:36:45 2024, in response to Re: Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 22:32:18 2024.

Yup, Jenna was arrested for using a fake ID to purchase alcohol.

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Re: Hunter Biden Guilty

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jun 14 09:10:29 2024, in response to Hunter Biden Guilty, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 11:24:02 2024.

But the Delaware Judge who is a close personal friend isn't disowning him or distancing himself.....go figure.

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