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Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jun 10 12:35:21 2024

Statues and structures around the White House were graffitied and vandalized during the Gaza[/Occupy/anti-Trump/BLM] protest on Saturday, though the National Park Service said officials were still assessing the extent and cost of the damage Sunday amid a cleanup effort focused on Lafayette Square.

Thousands of demonstrators — many of whom had arrived on buses from more than two dozen cities — had surrounded the perimeter of the White House with a wide strip of red fabric Saturday, saying they were drawing a red line for President Biden and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. During the rally, demonstrators were seen scrawling graffiti across several sculptures in Lafayette Square.

Jasmine Shanti, a spokesperson with the National Park Service, said in a statement Sunday afternoon that the agency’s staff was “still evaluating the extent of the damage from Saturday’s demonstration and march around the White House.”
“Notable damage includes graffiti, damage to some structures and damage to park infrastructure in Lafayette Park,” Shanti said, adding at 6 p.m. that there was “still no update for time of completion for the cleanup and repair.” Shanti did not provide further details about the damage to structures and infrastructure.

Information on how much the cleanup would cost was not immediately available.

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Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jun 10 14:27:21 2024, in response to Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jun 10 12:35:21 2024.

But that was mostly peaceful vandalism

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Update - Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jun 11 08:12:34 2024, in response to Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jun 10 14:27:21 2024.

Apparently some of the MSM was too frightened to report that the Secret Service had to flee for their lives from the peaceful mob who were chanting things like "Jihad" and "kill another.....", "intifada" and the usual.

Very peaceful bunch. DC is totally safe.

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Re: Update - Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jun 11 08:36:02 2024, in response to Update - Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jun 11 08:12:34 2024.

"Peaceful" must have different meanings in different jurisdictions and for different groups. For example: Patriotic celebrations of the 4th of July using fire works result in hundreds of arrests annually. But in NYC,if you support palestinian terrorism, you can set off large displays of pyrotechnics on crowded NYC streets and chant October 7 for ever and no demonstrates will be arrested. Yes despite defacing property and the fireworks, the AlM-ists see peaceful protests.

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Re: Update - Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House

Posted by AlM on Tue Jun 11 09:41:51 2024, in response to Update - Re: Insurgency leaves untold damage around White House, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jun 11 08:12:34 2024.

Of course you have supporting evidence for Secret Service having to flee for their lives.

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