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Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Sun Jun 9 17:14:44 2024

According to the U.S. embassy in Tajikistan, a car slammed into a group of seven cyclists. Assailants exited the car and stabbed and shot the survivors. Three other cyclists were also injured. Euronews published amateur video that purports to show the attack.

he had been working at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for four years. He understood the nuts and bolts of housing policy and harbored a strong sense of disenchantment with the federal bureaucracy, calling public housing "a failed experiment" and HUD "The Death Star."

Geoghegan and Austin started their journey in 2017. They first biked through Africa, Europe, and Central Asia before finding themselves in Tajikistan, using all of their life savings to fund their trip. The couple also documented their travels on their blog SimplyCycling.

“The yearlong bicycle adventure Lauren and her partner, Jay Austin, were enjoying was typical of her enthusiasm embrace of life’s opportunities, her openness to new people and places, and her quest for a better understanding of the world,” her parents, Robert and Elvira Geoghegan, said in a statement given to CBS.

Before setting off, Geoghegan worked in the admissions office at Georgetown University, where she was also a graduate.

“You watch the news and you read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. People are axe murderers and monsters and worse,” he wrote from Morrocco.

“Badness exists, sure, but even that’s quite rare. By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.”


They were murdered in 2018 before they could've changed their mind and become "anti-Jewish protestors" or get TDS.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:38:45 2024, in response to Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Sun Jun 9 17:14:44 2024.

This is an issue in the #ngtow, MRA, community.

Women want to do crazy adventures like this, and know it's dangerous, so they bring a guy along.

The guy is usually a "simp", "cuck", "pussy beggar". He is beta, not alpha. He goes along because the woman gives him sex, but secretly, she despises his spineless nature.

Women like this usually have a guy around for crazy shit like this. These women are beta-gobblers.

I'll compile a List of alpha subchatters who would never tolerate this behavior from a woman and not get cucked into going on such a crazy adventure.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:50:29 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:38:45 2024.

P.s. You can go to any Paris or London suburb and it's just like going to Northern Africa or the Middle East.

Look at what happened in France with the drug kingpin and how he escaped. I was going to thread about it.

List of Alpha males who would not be pussy-whipped into a crazy "vacation". Basically they are overall alpha.

Fisk Ave Jim
Bill from Brooklyn

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jun 9 22:32:07 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:50:29 2024.

You got THAT right!

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 22:34:57 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jun 9 22:32:07 2024.

I don't want Spider-Pig to reproduce.

Every time I see a late lane merger, I hope he never has kids, so traffic will be reduced for the next generation.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jun 9 23:54:56 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 22:34:57 2024.

We make traffic better, not worse. Just get that through your thick windshield.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jun 10 11:40:56 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:50:29 2024.

I am inmpressed with England. They have progressed so far that you can't tell their dirty streets with closed up businesses from any American one. Glad they joined the 1st world.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jun 10 11:46:47 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:38:45 2024.

I saw an interesting story that was related to this article. Another girl wanted to show the world how nice people are. So she travelled the world in a wedding dress.

She was found in the near east naked, raped, and murdered as well.

I think we could probably fill binders full of pro-Hamas women who have done this and ended their lives in this manner there are so many stories.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jun 10 12:13:19 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jun 10 11:46:47 2024.

Play stupid games and win stupid prizes

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Mon Jun 10 13:36:19 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jun 10 12:13:19 2024.

We can't be civil around those animals.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jun 10 14:24:59 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by BILLBKLYN on Mon Jun 10 13:36:19 2024.

I once heard, bravery is to walk naked through a cannibal village. Stupidity is to do it with parsley behind your ear.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by mcorivervsaf on Mon Jun 10 15:49:54 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jun 10 11:46:47 2024.

Ugh… Train Dude’s response says it all.

It could not be any more obvious that you have to research wherever you’re going in the world. Especially, when there are dangerous people out there, just waiting to find their next victim.

Back in 2019, a woman in the UK, decided to travel solo into Cambodia, and went to a nearby beach party. She later turned up missing. A search party was arranged by her family. Shortly after, her motionless body was discovered floating at sea. She had apparently drowned. Full story here.

This is the end result for people who think the world is all rainbows and sunshine.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon Jun 10 18:16:43 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jun 9 21:38:45 2024.

This is an issue in the #ngtow (sic), MRA, community

You a member of those bizarro communities, #37?

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Peter Rosa on Mon Jun 10 20:59:48 2024, in response to Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Sun Jun 9 17:14:44 2024.

A strange thing about Tajikistan is that despite its location deep in Asia many of the people could pass for white, even in the US with our rigid racial standards, though legally they're Asian.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by LuchAAA on Mon Jun 10 21:58:56 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Olog-hai on Mon Jun 10 18:16:43 2024.

I am generations ahead of you on some topics.

Anyway, I heard that the Wapo front page had a story about why Trump's conviction should be overturned. Might have been on Sunday.

If you find it, please thread about it.

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Tue Jun 11 01:27:12 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jun 10 14:24:59 2024.


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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jun 11 04:53:32 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by Peter Rosa on Mon Jun 10 20:59:48 2024.

We don't have "rigid racial standards" except in areas dominated by the left; the "melting pot" sobriquet was not for naught.

Is this all you can think of saying??

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Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jun 11 07:55:07 2024, in response to Re: Couple quit their office jobs to be killed by moslems to prove a point, posted by mcorivervsaf on Mon Jun 10 15:49:54 2024.

"After travelling to Cambodia to join the search, the backpacker’s family had criticised the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for a lack of support."

There is a common misconception that your embassy will swoop in to the rescue should you ever get in any type of trouble. But they don't. You are lucky if they give you a list of lawyers.
Only the Israeli's come to rescue hostages.

And stupid youtube, there are videos of westerners crying for the embassy from the backs of police trucks in Thailand, but I can't find them now.

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