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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 21:17:43 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 19:42:59 2024.

It will NEVER HAPPEN. Pick another candidate.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 21:40:00 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by 3-9 on Fri Jan 26 21:05:34 2024.

Thank you!

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 21:42:04 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 19:46:58 2024.

Do you read your own posts? If our country weren’t prosperous and safe, why would migrants be coming here in droves? We are the ENVY of the world.; we have much to be jealous of.

Bidenonics has been spectacular. They predicted a recession, that has NOT happened, and we have left the rest of the world in the dust.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 23:54:50 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 17:40:50 2024.

"Our country has never been more prosperous or safe."

Yeah? I just wonder how many Muslim terrorists have come across the border and being bussed to New York. I bet you a lot of the 'free palestine" assholes closing highways and bridges are middle easterners who came over as migrant asylum seekers.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 05:55:57 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 23:54:50 2024.

LOL! Yeah, that’s happening.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jan 27 08:38:42 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 21:42:04 2024.

They are coming here ILLEGALLY!! That is the elephant in the room! You want to come here, you do it legally

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jan 27 08:41:27 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 05:55:57 2024.

It may not be a lot, bit I'm sure it happens

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:02:53 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jan 27 08:38:42 2024.

They are NOT coming here illegally, they are claiming asylum.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:03:44 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jan 27 08:41:27 2024.


Just accept the fact that the vast majority of illegal aliens come here by commercial aviation.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat Jan 27 09:41:36 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:02:53 2024.

Those who claim asylum have to file form I-589 Application of asylum/withholding of removal at a recognized port of entry or immigration facility. I doubt that all of those bus riders , Rio Grand swimmers or razor ribbon jumpers have gone thru that process.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:58:04 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat Jan 27 09:41:36 2024.

“To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.”

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by 3-9 on Sat Jan 27 11:30:29 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:58:04 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by bingbong on Sat Jan 27 11:31:58 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat Jan 27 09:41:36 2024.

Actually, they are. That's part of the processing after surrendering to the border patrol.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 11:50:17 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by bingbong on Sat Jan 27 11:31:58 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:01:00 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Fri Jan 26 18:22:10 2024.

Trump should dial it back a bit as far as his insults and personal attacks

Double standard. Ever heard what Biden and others come out with? They make Trump seem tame by contrast.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:02:33 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:27:38 2024.

False. Trump got the support of all those groups in 2020, garnering 75 million votes, which is a remarkable record. If you still believe that Biden got 81 million votes legitimately, then you perhaps are a Democrat.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:04:21 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 19:46:58 2024.

Any Democrats uttering the truth are fearing for their political careers. They see that the more radical left-wing elements in both parties are destroying their nice safe gravy train.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:11:10 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:23:10 2024.

Olag, according to the new Republican playbook, that would make Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes RINOs

You ever read The Conscience of a Conservative (the Goldwater book, not the Jeff Flake book of almost the same name)? What we refer to as RINOs today used to call themselves the "New Republicans". The only exception to the RINO paradigm would be Reagan, judging by his political record. The Bushes are notoriously RINO. (Why did you leave out Ford? He was on the RINO side.)

Historically it would also make Lincoln, McKinley, TR, Grant and the rest also RINOs

No. One must judge by the political record, whether it defends the Constitution or goes against it. And arguably, TR would be a proto-RINO judging by his "progressive" leanings.

I would easily vote for a RINO over a Democrat because that so-called RINO would vote Republican 90% of the time

That's a torturous bit of reasoning. Do you want them to vote "Republican" or vote pro-Constitution? because voting RINO means voting against the Constitution, just like Democrats do. It's also an acknowledgement of the existence of the Uniparty, which is hard to get out of you . . .

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 15:32:26 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:01:00 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 15:32:51 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:02:33 2024.

Seek help.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jan 27 21:30:48 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:03:44 2024.

I literally said it .ight not be a lot.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:30:31 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:11:10 2024.

I want to win elections and if your so-called Rinos can win then that's just fine because they will vote Republican when the chips are down. The Democrat will NEVER vote with the Republicans. I used to be a coach and my mantra was winning, winning and winning. I didn't care what kind of attitude the player might have had towards some of his teammates, only that he wanted to beat the living shit out of his enemies. It worked.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:34:18 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:01:00 2024.

Doesn't matter!!!!! Biden is viewed as a lame loser; Trump want to be a winner again and we should all know what that is going to take. Besides Biden makes no sense so he isn't taken seriously. Trump is intelligent and is taken very seriously and some of the things he says turns many voters off, and, again, I say WINNING IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. To be pure doctrinaire and lose is horseshit. WInning is what counts.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:36:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jan 27 15:02:33 2024.

That's another piece of crap you purists throw at those Republicans who don't follow the party line as your group sees it. Republicans like me can win elections; those like you cannot win elections in areas where the makeup of voters is close in affiliations. Again, ONLY WINNING COUNTS because you can change policy when you win. You cannot when you lose.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat Jan 27 22:37:17 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 27 09:58:04 2024.

Lets not forget that to be eligible for asylum, you must demonstrate that you were persecuted or have fear of persecution in your home country due to race, religion or nationality. Thats the law. But with the tens of thousands coming over the border coupled with Biden in the White House, enforcement of any immigration laws is basically non existent. Lack of enforcing existing laws is grounds for Bidens impeachment right there.
But keeping it real here, that will never happen.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sun Jan 28 01:19:25 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:30:31 2024.

I want to win elections and if your so-called Rinos can win then that's just fine because they will vote Republican when the chips are down

There you go throwing undefinable terms at me again, e.g. "vote Republican" (this is something that voters do at the polls, never in context with legislation in Congress). I told you that you either vote pro-Constitution or anti-Constitution if you are a representative or a senator (or any other elected official for that matter). And I've seen plenty of RINOs (not "so-called") vote against the Constitution when the chips are down. To blazes with party labels.

And again, are you denying fraud? That takes the decision away from the people and puts it firmly in the hand of those who count the votes, and more than that, those who certify votes; it also insulates those who certify fraudulent votes from punishment.

The Democrat will NEVER vote with the Republicans

LOL, they do it all the time; the bills just have to be called "bipartisan" or "continuing resolutions" or "omnibus" or other such left-wing political jargon.

Now if you mean that no Democrat will ever vote pro-Constitution, I'd say I'm in agreement with you.

I used to be a coach and my mantra was winning, winning and winning. I didn't care what kind of attitude the player might have had towards some of his teammates, only that he wanted to beat the living shit out of his enemies. It worked.

Well, maybe you'll want to try coaching those "so-called RINOs", as you referred to them, into supporting the US Constitution. Now if you ever get the opportunity to do so, and they come off talking like Democrats, please don't be shocked.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sun Jan 28 02:07:31 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:34:18 2024.

Doesn't matter

Of course it matters. You're giving credence to hypocrites by pushing their double standard.

And you're pushing fraud denial again; I see that winners and losers only exist in your universe, but cheaters don't?

some of the things he says turns many voters off

2016 gobbledegook. It's 2024 now; time to put that Uniparty talking point away.

To be pure doctrinaire and lose is horseshit. Winning is what counts

You're really buying the Uniparty line, aren't you?

The last thing that Trump is is a "pure doctrinaire". Notwithstanding, he's the most pro-Constitution POTUS we've had in this century. There are consequences to the wrong side "winning" when it comes to politics; the rule of law is on the line.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Sun Jan 28 02:17:34 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:36:32 2024.

That's another piece of crap you purists throw at those Republicans who don't follow the party line as your group sees it

LOL, "you purists". Don't go full Democrat on me now. That's pure leftism; why is it you never mention the Constitution? That's the standard; it's in black and white and is independent how how you presume me or "(my) group see(s) things".

You know for darn sure that Trump is the furthest thing away from a purist when it comes to the Constitution. But he's the one who supports it the most closely, and remarkably closely at that.

Republicans like me can win elections; those like you cannot win elections in areas where the makeup of voters is close in affiliations

LOL, no you can't. Still denying fraud? Did Romney win in 2012? Still think it's up to the voters? Still believe the reports of "100% voter turnout" in heavily Democratic cities?

Again, ONLY WINNING COUNTS because you can change policy when you win. You cannot when you lose

More fraud denial. So winning is okay when facilitated by cheating?

Let's go back to 2017/18 when the "winning" Republican Congress (had control of both houses) had a golden opportunity to implement Trump's policies. Guess what the RINOs did? They fought him. Paul Ryan and the late John McCain were the most notorious of the RINO contingent.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 02:19:06 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Jan 27 08:41:27 2024.

Sure, to the extent that terrorists are sneaking into the US, no route would be off limits to them.

But how many terrorists are sneaking in? And how many different routes are available?

I think (a) using false papers or (b) walking across the border from Canada at night are much easier ways.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 02:22:13 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat Jan 27 22:37:17 2024.

enforcement of any immigration laws is basically non existent

Are you not aware that the number of people being deported from the US is at an all-time high?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 08:41:37 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Sat Jan 27 22:34:18 2024.

Trump is intelligent and is taken very seriously…

LOL! You have lost your mind.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 08:45:44 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat Jan 27 22:37:17 2024.

And that demonstration is done at a court hearing. Until such time as the hearing is held you get to remain in the US.

The law is being faithfully executed; Biden is taking care of that.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 08:56:01 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 08:41:37 2024.

Is he in jail?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 08:59:02 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 08:45:44 2024.

Because he (and the Party) want future votes. Yes, I know you will tell me Venezuelans are conservative.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 09:00:40 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 08:59:02 2024.

Not only the Venezuelans, but third world types are generally conservative too. Backwards countries are filled with backwards people.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 09:36:29 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 02:19:06 2024.

You know, I actually agree with you. The Canadian/US border is mostly just a clear cut in the forest.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 10:21:39 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 09:36:29 2024.

And in northern MY and ND, and also NY and VT, often it is just farmer's fields.

And take a look at 0 Ave in Douglas BC. A few years ago, a Canadian family got banned from the US forever for driving their car into the US from there. It looks like they've put up some simple fencing to make that a tad harder, but it's still an incredibly easy walk.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 10:32:17 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 09:36:29 2024.

And 5 minutes with Google Maps gets you to a view like this:

Nice walk on a dirt road

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 11:33:39 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 02:22:13 2024.

No. Ive never heard that. Somehow that doesn't make the news cycle. If that was of any consequence, the corrupt media Lester Holt types would remind us of that on a regular basis since that would make Biden look good or at least better. There in the tank for Biden big time. Do you have the figures and source??

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 12:11:45 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 11:33:39 2024.

472,000 in the last 8 months of 2023

360,000 in 2019, the previous high, under Obama, not Trump, being 405,000

186,000 in 2020

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 12:13:06 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 11:33:39 2024.

Oh my god!

What the fuck are you talking about? You are claiming that it doesn’t make the “news cycle” and yet you chose the news source. If you don’t like “news cycle,” pick a different one.

There’s nothing corrupt about Lester Holt. He’s the host of an entertainment show.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 12:35:28 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 12:13:06 2024.

I think he's getting his news from sources whose corporate policy is to make Biden look bad.

Admittedly, the announcement of the big uptick in deportations for May-Dec 2023 was just made Jan 26, 2024.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:18:08 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 12:11:45 2024.

That's all well and good. But if they didn't get into the country illegally in the first place, the numbers of deportees wouldn't be that high. Thats where the true problem is.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:19:57 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 12:13:06 2024.

"He’s the host of an entertainment show."

Yeah...its called NBC news at 6:30PM

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 13:23:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:18:08 2024.

So you’re complaint is that Biden is enforcing the law too well?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 13:24:04 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:19:57 2024.

Yes, an entertainment show.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:28:22 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 13:23:32 2024.

LOL! Anyone with the capacity of thinking clearly would know the exact opposite is true. Like I said, they shouldn't have made it to the USA in the first place.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 13:36:56 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:28:22 2024.

Except that the actual law, not what you wish it was, allows them to.

Besides, the president can’t stop people outside the USA. What is he supposed to do? Shoot at people in Mexico?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jan 28 13:53:22 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jan 28 09:00:40 2024.

What's backwards against being conservative?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Sun Jan 28 15:00:06 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jan 28 13:18:08 2024.

That's all well and good.

OK. Glad you've changed your mind.

More are successfully entering because more are trying to enter. And why are more trying to enter? Because Trump and friends have been announcing how easy it is to get into the US. Do you think impoverished people in Honduras and Venezuela don't hear that?

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