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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 21:01:06 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:47:41 2024.

7 million.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 21:07:39 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:55:51 2024.

Iran hasn't received a penny of that money. Get YOUR facts straight.

And Iran was funding terrorism throughout the entire Trump Administration.

He wasn’t praising the current governor, he was praising Terry McAuliffe. If TFG did something similar, like calling Kari Filter the “real” governor of Arizona, you’d just say he was joking. But TFG can do no wrong with you.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Wed Jan 24 21:11:47 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 19:44:57 2024.

even one currently in prison,

It's been done. That person received 3.4% of the popular vote.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 21:41:11 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:47:41 2024.

No he did not. Stop with the fraud denial, please.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 21:42:21 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:55:51 2024.

Heard about that. If you're a Democrat, "election denial" is no sin.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 22:18:58 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 21:41:11 2024.

Fuck you

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by 3-9 on Thu Jan 25 02:42:10 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 13:53:31 2024.

After the Trump Administration realized that Obama was right and China, not the Middle East was the US's main priority at the time, they tried to rejoin the TPP. Except the countries said, no backsies.

The Supreme Court is balanced the way CMM wants it.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by 3-9 on Thu Jan 25 04:07:56 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 18:53:55 2024.

If he ever had such a serious lack of judgement and tried, that attempt would be slapped down hard.

By who, Congress? The Republicans in Congress have been bending over backwards for him almost from the start. Even after their lives were threatened by a mob inspired by Trump, they refused to impeach him. A good number of them even parroted the lie that the 2020 election was rigged.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 04:57:53 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by 3-9 on Thu Jan 25 02:42:10 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 05:16:40 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 12:42:45 2024.

Yes,I thought you took the bait and believed it.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 06:21:05 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Wed Jan 24 13:52:35 2024.

Holy shit!! Get it through your thick skull that NO president is just supposed to do anything for Black Americans!Or White Americans! He's supposed to do for ALL Americans,no favoritism. Of course, he catered to the gays as he is one.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 06:36:38 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:14:55 2024.

He became all of this as soon as he came down the escalator.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 06:37:12 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:32:32 2024.

Have you seen juries lately?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 06:47:07 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:47:41 2024.

The soccer moms, who are in their bubble, were turned off by him.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 06:47:59 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 21:01:06 2024.

I heard it was 100,000!

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 25 07:54:21 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 24 11:58:41 2024.

Unfortunately, you are wrong. He is obviously NOT SMARTER than that. His blind hatred for Donald Trump has made him susceptible to the myths, lies and deliberate distortions circulated and advanced by left wing media. He has latched onto the "dictator comment" even though normal people know that the tongue-in-cheek comment was made to Trump supporters who understood what was meant. Yet piggy will be the first to say biden was joking when he called terry McAuliffe "The real governor of virginia" and is not an election denier. Nope, you give piglet too much credit when you say he's smarter than that.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 08:43:43 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 04:57:53 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 08:44:32 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 05:16:40 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 08:51:06 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 08:44:32 2024.

When you said so-called, I had thought that you believed it,but then I saw that you didn't

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 09:16:26 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 08:51:06 2024.

LOL. You thought S-P didn't know the correct usage of the phrase?

Irregardless of what you might think, he knows his English. :)

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 10:15:00 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 09:16:26 2024.

No, that's not what I thought.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 10:19:19 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 10:15:00 2024.


You thought S-P did know what "so-called" means. And the way he used it implies that he knew it wasn't literally a Muslim ban. And yet you thought he believed it was a Muslim ban.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 25 11:13:54 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 09:16:26 2024.

I'm sure that you realize that " irregardless" is the less correct version of "regardless", you ignorant mother-fuckers.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 11:21:39 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 09:16:26 2024.

Thanks for this post.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 11:56:23 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 11:21:39 2024.

I thought you'd say you could care less. :)

(Let's see how many people don't get that either.)

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by bingbong on Thu Jan 25 12:00:17 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 20:59:19 2024.

He's already an exPresident, hopefully he will remain so.

There indictments are in, it's time for his day in court.If found guilty, he should be taken off the ballot. The 14th Amendment mandates someone who participated in insurrection (as a guilty verdict would prove) is unqualified to serve in high office, unless a supermajority of Congress (this one, as the election will be held within their term) provides “relief of such disability”. (That's simply not going to happen.) If he's so damn innocent, why is he seeking delay after delay, when he could easily just get through trial and have it over with. Or is he actually guilty?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 25 12:03:13 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by bingbong on Thu Jan 25 12:00:17 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:07:26 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 20:59:19 2024.

There’s a simple solution to this problem. Exempt presidents from secret service protection when they’re in the custody of the BOP. Problem solved.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 12:17:56 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by bingbong on Thu Jan 25 12:00:17 2024.

Whats not going to happen is he being taken off the ballot.

"If he's so damn innocent, why is he seeking delay after delay,..."

Hes exercising his rights as a private American citizen...like you or I could do under similar circumstances.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 12:27:47 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:07:26 2024.

Alternatively, assign a pair of skilled unarmed Secret Service agents to accompany the prisoner. No potentially hostile prisoner is going to mess with the Secret Service.

When Reagan was President and Ron Jr lived in my neighborhood that was the budget for protecting Ron Jr., so it's not as though the cost is prohibitive. Cheaper than protecting him on golf outings.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 12:29:22 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 12:17:56 2024.

Whats not going to happen is he being taken off the ballot.


Americans who can reasonably show that they may be harmed by his presence on the ballot have the right to petition the courts on the matter. But they will lose.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:45:51 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 12:27:47 2024.

Secret service or not, he’s not going to be in supermax.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:49:23 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 10:19:19 2024.

OMG, no I did not!

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:52:01 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by bingbong on Thu Jan 25 12:00:17 2024.

Because of TDS

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:55:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:52:01 2024.

People should be “deranged” about TFG. He is NOT NORMAL and this whole thing is not normal.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:56:01 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 12:27:47 2024.

Um...as someone who personally worked with them, most of the SS, as well as most of the other Alphabet Agencies, are nebbish bookworm types. The ex-military types you see on the Presidential Detail is only a small % of the SS. Add to the fact that there is NO WAY that a pair of unarmed Agents or their Union would ever agree to anything like that.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:56:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:45:51 2024.

He's not going to ANY prison.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:58:09 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:56:32 2024.

We’ll see. Hopefully you are wrong.

Or maybe you’re right and he won’t go to prison because instead he doesn’t have a long time left to live.

Maybe he’ll be found unfit to stand trial and will be institutionalized.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 13:08:03 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:55:32 2024.

The country isn't used to an arrogant NYC douche.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 13:08:49 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:58:09 2024.

I'm picturing him in a straight jacket in a padded room!

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 13:12:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 13:08:03 2024.

It shouldn’t be used to that, but that’s not what makes him bad.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 13:13:08 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 13:08:49 2024.

Maybe someone should photoshop his head onto that pic I always post.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 13:23:34 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 13:12:32 2024.

He's grimey as fuck, but still..

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 13:24:25 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 12:58:09 2024.

Or maybe he'll get re-elected and fire all the federal attorneys prosecuting him, while in Georgia lapdog Republicans won't replace Fani Willis, who will have been dismissed for profiting personally from her hiring decisions.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 13:25:52 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 12:49:23 2024.

Let me quote:

When you said so-called, I had thought that you believed it, but then I saw that you didn't

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 14:29:03 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 13:23:34 2024.

That is not a good quality for a president and if anything it should disqualify him entirely.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 14:59:45 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 14:29:03 2024.

The voters should be disqualifying him for being an all-round sleaze.

But James Carville identified the issue long ago. The Republicans have a primary voter quality problem.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 15:04:20 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 14:59:45 2024.

Both Partys do

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 15:04:43 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 13:25:52 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:11:50 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 21:41:11 2024.

You seem to have a hard time understanding that Trump lost by FOUR million votes in 2020, lost the independents and suburban women, and if this happens again you can start trying to make excuses for another defeat that will turn our country into a shit hole. TRUMP MUST alter the way he presents himself. His ideas are sound and I agree with almost all of them, BUT NOT HOW HE TRIES THE SAME VERBAL BARBS AT HIS FELLOW REPUBLIANS, women and independents. He had better learn that fast.

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