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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Wed Jan 17 15:09:39 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 17 14:53:26 2024.

He won't because of cheating.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 16:49:00 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Chicagomotorman on Wed Jan 17 15:09:39 2024.

If he loses do you promise to accept the results?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 17 16:55:41 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Chicagomotorman on Wed Jan 17 15:09:39 2024.

Fine, then nominate someone from whom the election won’t be stolen and put that orange turd out to pasture.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 17 18:13:29 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 16:49:00 2024.

Only if his lord & savior accepts the results which will never happen.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Wed Jan 17 18:53:34 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 16:49:00 2024.

You think if the election is fair he won't win?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:06:42 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Chicagomotorman on Wed Jan 17 18:53:34 2024.

Just like 2020 I think he can lose a fair election. Do I think Biden makes it a closer election than it should be, yes, but that is the Democrats’ fault. There is no shens about more people voting than ever before. If the Republicans can only win by suppressing voter turnout then that says more about them than the Democrats.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 17 19:11:35 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:06:42 2024.

Please explain how the Republicans will suppress the vote?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:29:30 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 17 19:11:35 2024.

By prohibiting measures that make it easier for people vote like early voting or giving absentee ballots to any registered voter who requests one no questions asked.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:30:49 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 17 19:11:35 2024.

I have answered every one of your questions, now will you affirmatively state that you will unequivocally accept the results of the 2024 election?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 17 19:34:07 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:29:30 2024.

That's what Election Day and the polling locations are for.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:39:40 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 17 19:34:07 2024.

Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to get the time to vote on Election Day. Not to mention, someone could intend to vote and get hospitalized at the last minute. They should not lose the right to vote because of that.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 17 19:44:44 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:39:40 2024.

I mean,how much does that REALLY happen?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 17 20:28:55 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:39:40 2024.

I doubt the very few people who wouldn't be able to vote on election day would make a difference in the result. The only year since 1971 that I didn't vote (any election, not just Presidential) was 2010 as I was in the hospital from a horseback riding injury (7 broken bones and a punctured lung, but thankfully the horse was OK) and I couldn't vote. As far as I know, in none of the races that I was eligible to vote for was there a tie or that my absence made a difference in the results.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 17 20:31:48 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 17 19:44:44 2024.

Much more often than actual voter fraud.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 07:51:12 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:29:30 2024.

Negative. Mail in voting should only be for the infirmed and the military.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 07:51:32 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 17 19:34:07 2024.

Thank you.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 07:52:05 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 17 20:31:48 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 07:53:18 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 17 19:30:49 2024.

I don't know yet.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 08:27:25 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 07:52:05 2024.

Pity for you that all the evidence is on my side and not yours.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 09:56:35 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 17 20:31:48 2024.

You are such s lame and predictable piece of shit.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 10:15:57 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 08:27:25 2024.

Early voting and giving absentee ballots are more vulnerable to fraud.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 10:16:55 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 09:56:35 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jan 18 10:35:33 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 10:15:57 2024.

How is it vulnerable to fraud if there is a proper paper trail and the same officials who oversee the in person voting on election day are present at early voting?

Absentee ballots I didn't say that there was anything preventing the state from requiring that the person receiving the ballot had to appear in person to get the ballot (no sending others or requesting it mailed) or having a state mark on the voter roll for election day whoever requested an absentee ballot so that way if one of them tried to vote on Election Day they would only get a provisional ballot that is only counted if it can be verified that they did not return the absentee ballot.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 18 10:40:04 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jan 18 10:35:33 2024.

Omar's campaign is a good example of why it doesn't work.

There are plenty of other documented cases too

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 10:43:42 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jan 18 10:35:33 2024.

There's a perception in the MAGA crowd that absentee and early voters are more Democratic-leaning. That's why it's more vulnerable to fraud. The logic is unassailable.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 18 10:45:49 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 10:43:42 2024.

Where do you suppose that perception comes from?
Couldn't it be from the mainstream media who tells us about it for the past 50 years?
Could it be from the trials and arrests?
Could it be from the whistleblowers and videos of the actions?

Wow, where could this new "perception" possibly come from. Must be those maga freaks.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jan 18 10:53:59 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 18 10:45:49 2024.

You can see here the Republicans and Democrats who did it

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 11:19:04 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 10:16:55 2024.

You would. I don't know what TD has against Aim. He did have something against Kevin and BB though he'll never tell us what. But Aim? What do you have against him?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 11:38:31 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 11:19:04 2024.

Quite simple. To sound biblical, in the beginning, i criticized AlM because he repeatedly felt it necessary to explain what everyone else was saying - slanting it to his beliefs aling the way. When i criti ized him for that he began assigning psychological issues tome, rightly or wrongly. My animous for him has grown from that.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jan 18 12:11:01 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 10:43:42 2024.

Of course it is.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 18 12:18:09 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 11:38:31 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 12:49:23 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jan 18 10:53:59 2024.

Oh my God! Hundreds of cases per year! What a banana republic we are!

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 13:05:42 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 10:43:42 2024.

You are a scumbag

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:25:46 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 11:38:31 2024.

Is there anyone here who doesn't slant their arguments towards their beliefs?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jan 18 13:29:36 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:25:46 2024.

I try not to. That doesn't mean I am always successful at presenting matters in a neutral manner.

The exception being I will not react nicely to the poster who has advocated harm against me and members of my family.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:40:38 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:25:46 2024.

I always try to look at both sides of every issue and a lot of times play devil's advocate here even if it's against my views.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 18 13:43:17 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 18 12:49:23 2024.

What a novel reading and interpretation of the table. What new pain medication does this?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 18 13:44:50 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 11:38:31 2024.

It's amazing, he's pulling exactly what you allege right now elsewhere in the thread.

Some people are like bots.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jan 18 15:11:12 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:25:46 2024.

He was slanting others arguments to his beliefs

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jan 19 22:52:46 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:25:46 2024.


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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jan 19 22:55:36 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 18 13:40:38 2024.

Me too. Take Trump. I don't like the man as a person, AND because of that, didn't vote for him, but that still doesn't mean that I can't see he's the target of a TDS-induced witchhunt in order to keep him from winning.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 07:43:18 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jan 19 22:55:36 2024.

Then you’d be wrong. He’s not the target of a witch hunt (except by NY State).

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 08:42:07 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 07:43:18 2024.

As well as Fanny and her lover in Georgia

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Sat Jan 20 08:47:37 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 08:42:07 2024.

Oh come on. Its obvious that Fani is being targeted because of her race.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 08:54:10 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 08:42:07 2024.

No, he actually tried to steal the election there.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 08:58:43 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 08:54:10 2024.

He had one telephone call which nobody in Georgia took as anything more than a loser blowing off steam. Some of the underlings who did what they thought Trump wanted are a different story, but this was not some plot orchestrated by Trump.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 09:01:18 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 08:58:43 2024.

LOL! This loser who has his underlings engineer schemes without his knowledge is a great leader for you.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Train Dude on Sat Jan 20 09:03:40 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 09:01:18 2024.

And your Trump derangement syndrome has overtaken all sense of reason and common sense on your part.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 09:10:18 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Jan 20 09:01:18 2024.

Who said I was a Trump fan. Personally I would like nothing more than to see neither Trump nor Biden on the ballot in November.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Sat Jan 20 10:14:55 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jan 20 09:10:18 2024.


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