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Biden at the UN

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Sep 21 10:00:24 2023

Everyone post your favorite moments. Here's a list of mine.

Walking into the flag pole.
Pissing off Brazil when Biden refused to shake his hand and ran off stage.
Made an anti-semitic gesture at the president of Israel.
Having his delegation take fervent notes on what the Butcher of Tehran was saying at a speech.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Mitch45 on Thu Sep 21 10:37:59 2023, in response to Biden at the UN, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Sep 21 10:00:24 2023.

The world is laughing at us. They were laughing at us when Trump was President too, but at least then they were a little afraid of what he might do next. Biden is just a feeble old man and everyone knows it.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 21 11:25:56 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Mitch45 on Thu Sep 21 10:37:59 2023.

"Biden is just a feeble old man and everyone knows it."

Everybody knows it but him.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 21 11:25:56 2023.

Everyone knows it but him, SP and bingbong

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Thu Sep 21 15:55:13 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Mitch45 on Thu Sep 21 10:37:59 2023.

The world is not laughing at us.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 21 17:47:57 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

They know it. They're just blinded by their fear and loathing of Trump. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
In SP & BB's case, How true. (A line from Paul Simon's "The Boxer")

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 18:11:37 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 21 17:47:57 2023.

We’re not blinded, we actually see Trump for who he is and our fear and loathing is justified.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 18:12:28 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 18:11:37 2023.

One thing I am blind to is I simply cannot understand how anyone sees Trump as presidential or as a good human being.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 19:07:27 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 18:11:37 2023.

But Trump isn't the issue. He's your deflection point. The issue is the failures of pedo-joe.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 19:07:56 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 18:12:28 2023.

The topic is biden.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 19:09:07 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 19:07:27 2023.

“They're just blinded by their fear and loathing of Trump.”

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 19:10:48 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 19:09:07 2023.

How many times in this thread has Trump been mentioned?

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 19:12:29 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 19:09:07 2023.

How many times have you mentioned Trump in this thread?

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Sep 21 19:20:53 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Thu Sep 21 15:55:13 2023.

Grandpa Simpson at the helm, Devine as an "admiral", hemorrhaging illegals pouring in... I think a chuckle is in order.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 21 19:47:20 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 19:10:48 2023.

In the post I responded to.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Thu Sep 21 23:47:23 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Sep 21 19:20:53 2023.

Except the world is not laughing at us. Biden’s done a good job of organizing. A coalition against Putin in Ukraine. And nobody’s pouring in through the border. Some people have a problem understanding that large numbers detained isn’t the same as large numbers coming into the United States.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:30:11 2023, in response to Biden at the UN, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Sep 21 10:00:24 2023.

Because he doesn't know the answer

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:33:18 2023, in response to Biden at the UN, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Sep 21 10:00:24 2023.

Because he doesn't know the answer

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:35:33 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

He does this a lot in the basement

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:38:55 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

He does this a lot in the basement

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:40:04 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

He just shit his pants

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:43:51 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

Hmmm, nice little girl, slobber, slobber!

Get off of me you creep!

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:47:44 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

Ice Cream or little girl sniffing, Ice Cream or little girl sniffing?

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:54:46 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 21 13:11:03 2023.

He stands on his record.

Is this perjury?

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 22 07:45:28 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 06:54:46 2023.

Biden's eyes, when he's speaking, are a dead give away. When his eyes are up and to the right, he's lying, accessing the imaginary section of the brain. When he's squinting while hes speaking, he's clearly lying. Now when his eyes are down and to the left he's looking over the shoulders of the young girl who's head he's sniffing, to see if she's starting to develop breasts.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 08:46:25 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 21 17:47:57 2023.

The only way that you can’t be blind to trump’s authoritarian urges is that you want them as well.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Sep 22 08:57:54 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 08:46:25 2023.

The guy lost the election and fought to reverse the outcome. I do not see in what universe that could be considered acceptable.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Sep 22 10:32:53 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Mitch45 on Thu Sep 21 10:37:59 2023.

They were afraid of Trump because he wasn't playing the game, and it's been a looong loong time since they couldn't kick the US around. Trump acted like everyone else. Every other US president is kicked around and bullied.

It was like having the Canadian, Mexican, Russian, or Italian president in the US for once.

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Re: Biden at the UN world is laughing at us.

Posted by Avid Reader on Fri Sep 22 16:36:54 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Thu Sep 21 23:47:23 2023.

Some people have a problem coming!

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 18:46:25 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Thu Sep 21 23:47:23 2023.

I guess you haven't been watching the videos of them pouring in (undetained) the U.S.

You seem to confuse his people with the individual. His people are running the show

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 18:56:20 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 08:46:25 2023.

Absolute statements don't make them true.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 19:01:42 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 18:56:20 2023.

Absolute events are true though.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 19:21:09 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 19:01:42 2023.

Wr aren't talking about events.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 19:22:05 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 19:21:09 2023.

Events that proof Trump’s authoritarian urges. I think we are.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Sep 22 19:47:02 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 18:46:25 2023.

Of course his people are running the show, he is an excellent manager and the executive branch has many departments.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 19:47:59 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Sep 22 19:47:02 2023.

Which executive does not have people running the show?

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 22:07:34 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 19:22:05 2023.

Why are you being obtuse? You know what we ate talking about and it's WRONG to think that Trump voters want an Authoritarian president and have those thoughts as well.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 22:13:36 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 19:47:59 2023.

Normally, the executive knows what his people are doing, and approve/disapprove of what they're doing. His underlings don't give him an ice cream cone and tell him to sit in the basement.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 22:21:49 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 22:07:34 2023.

It’s not wrong to think that Trump supporters want an authoritarian government. They already think the wrong kind of people are allowed to vote, and that voting should be more difficult.😣

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 22:23:36 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 22:13:36 2023.

Yeah, that really happens. You sound like Maga Twitter

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 23:45:07 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 22:21:49 2023.

Yes it is, as there are a myriad of reasons that someone votes for a candidate

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 23:46:37 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Fred G on Fri Sep 22 22:23:36 2023.

I don't have social media. Criticizing Dementia Joe has nothing to do with DJT

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Sep 23 09:23:20 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 22 23:45:07 2023.

To have a strong leader to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule them like a king.

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Re: Biden at the UN

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Sep 23 10:52:56 2023, in response to Re: Biden at the UN, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Sep 23 09:23:20 2023.

The first 2 I can agree with.

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