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That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023

Is gonna be my answer when somebody says "he can't be too dumb; look at how much money he has".

You've heard about the sub. The one that was being used to view the Titanic on the ocean floor. The one with one door that was bolted from the outside. The one that's lost and probably sunk. I hope not but damn you gotta be 3 shades of dumb to get in a rig like that.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by AlM on Tue Jun 20 19:21:33 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

The one with one door that was bolted from the outside.

That actually makes sense. With 5000 pounds per square inch of pressure, you don't want to have a latch on the inside.

There is a class of rich people who take major risks. Some of them pay 50K to get guided up Mt. Everest, which isn't that safe either. Consider also JFK Jr., buying a plane way past his skill level and flying it himself.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 20 21:11:26 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

I heard from a co-worker that the Navy will only perform rescues to a certain depth, which I’m sure this submarine has descended way below. He guessed that either the sub imploded and they died quickly and painlessly, the sub is floating aimlessly in the ocean waiting to be found, or they’re still deep in the ocean waiting for the oxygen to run out and die. How stupid and bored would someone have to be to put themselves in this situation for recreational purposes? Let alone getting into a sub that’s controlled by a video game controller, come on now!

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jun 20 21:12:55 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

Sort of like, good! He has it coming to him?

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 21:24:32 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 20 21:11:26 2023.

I heard from a co-worker that the Navy will only perform rescues to a certain depth, which I’m sure this submarine has descended way below. He guessed that either the sub imploded and they died quickly and painlessly, the sub is floating aimlessly in the ocean waiting to be found, or they’re still deep in the ocean waiting for the oxygen to run out and die.

US submarines don't go below about a thousand feet, though the exact limit is secret, while this submersible was supposed to descend to 13,000 feet. Not much chance of a rescue at that depth.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jun 20 21:34:26 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 21:24:32 2023.

From a military standpoint, there is little purpose to go to depths below 2000 feet and even that is extreme.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by WayneJay on Tue Jun 20 22:57:32 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

Yeah, that's quite a crapshoot in hopes of seeing a long sunken vessel.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Wed Jun 21 00:52:05 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.


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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by AlM on Wed Jun 21 02:39:33 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 20 21:11:26 2023.

He guessed that either the sub imploded and they died quickly and painlessly, the sub is floating aimlessly in the ocean waiting to be found, or they’re still deep in the ocean waiting for the oxygen to run out and die.

1. It's a 2.5 hour trip down. They lost communications after 1:45.

2. Supposedly the view port was only rated to 1300 meters.

3. Supposedly they never scanned the submersible for micro cracks with anything except sonar between trips, when a more expensive and comprehensive scan (not clear what, some kind of x-ray) was available.

All that seems to suggest imploding at 3000 meters due to a build-up of minor stress fractures over many trips.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Lou from Brooklyn on Wed Jun 21 08:17:53 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

Rich guy in a tube be it underwater or into space if you are a multi-billionaire you want to ride inside a tube somewhere.

Heck, it only has one window by the toilet so you are riding in a tube looking at a TV screen using a knockoff game controller to move around.

Wish I had money to burn like that.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 08:30:13 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Lou from Brooklyn on Wed Jun 21 08:17:53 2023.

I'd rather take a subway train version of a Tube.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 08:31:28 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by WayneJay on Tue Jun 20 22:57:32 2023.

No more than those who pay 6 figures for a short trip into space. There are those who dare to push the envelope and those who click their tongues and wag their fingers when things don't go as planned. When they do you get Charles Lindburg. When they don't you get Amelia Airheart. Many people seek out the adrenaline rush, sky diving or zip lining, bungy jumping, etc. Let's not rejoice too much in this possible tragedy just because these people had the money and chose to do something most of us couldn't. It's people like Amelia Airheart who helped make it possible for the rest of us to fly to far off places today.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jun 21 09:27:04 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

He can't be too dumb; look at how much money he has.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jun 21 09:29:15 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 21 02:39:33 2023.

"He guessed that either the sub imploded and they died quickly and painlessly, the sub is floating aimlessly in the ocean waiting to be found, or they’re still deep in the ocean waiting for the oxygen to run out and die.

Or this:

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 09:46:53 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jun 21 09:27:04 2023.

😅 😂 🤣

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by 3-9 on Wed Jun 21 09:48:22 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 08:31:28 2023.

Believe it or not, IAWTP.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by 3-9 on Wed Jun 21 09:53:27 2023, in response to That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Tue Jun 20 17:11:02 2023.

The same things that got him that money is the same things that probably got him killed: ambition, risk taking, won't take "no" for an answer.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by WayneJay on Wed Jun 21 10:34:00 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 08:31:28 2023.

I don't disagree. In addition to your examples, I'd add that of the various things folks will try... many of us will try one thing, but not the other and so on.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 10:38:39 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jun 20 21:12:55 2023.

That's you projecting. or maybe you missed the "hope not" part of my post.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 11:48:54 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 10:38:39 2023.

"but damn you gotta be 3 shades of dumb to get in a rig like that."

I think you were pretty clear about your feeling about people who take risks you aren't.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 12:17:33 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 11:48:54 2023.

I said he was dumb, but not that he deserves to die. Try to keep up.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 21 12:55:49 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 20 21:11:26 2023.

Supposed they find it. Now what? How are they supposed to get it up? Who can work in 2 2/2 miles down to secure the winch lines? Sorry to say, those folks in that submersible MRI are doomed

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 13:31:20 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 12:17:33 2023.

I know what you said and totally disagree. I suspect that you feel the same about astronauts.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 14:34:18 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 13:31:20 2023.

Astronauts get in a spaceship that is subject to regulation and inspection, not a piece of junk like the submarine. Hell, if I go sky diving and the plane looks like a piece of shit I’m not going up.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 21 14:39:21 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 08:31:28 2023.

Charles Lindbergh was an actual pioneer. We know his name for that reason. If this sub had returned from its mission uneventfully you would not have heard of it because it was not pioneering.

The Titanic wreck was discovered in the 1980s by Robert Ballard. I know that name offhand because he was a pioneer by doing that. You can name the first person to go to space but you can’t name the first 20.

In the case of private space travel, like Blue Origin, that’s still pioneering.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 21 14:57:52 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jun 21 09:27:04 2023.

Maybe he inherited the $$$ ?

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 15:04:40 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 21 14:39:21 2023.

So then you agree with Fred that they were stupid to make the dive?

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 15:08:03 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 14:34:18 2023.

LOL you backpedal very well

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 15:10:29 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 15:08:03 2023.

Have a seat chum

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 15:25:30 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 15:10:29 2023.

Thanks but the performance has become boring. Amuse the slow thinkers.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 15:25:31 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 15:10:29 2023.

Thanks but the performance has become boring. Amuse the slow thinkers.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 21 16:46:43 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 15:04:40 2023.

No. Just foolhardy.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 18:42:27 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 08:31:28 2023.

I doubt the guys in the submarine are going to make it possible for us to descend to the depths of the ocean. What they will do is advertise the fact that there are a lot of careless entrepreneurs out there that require oversight and not paying attention to past safety issues could lead to fatality

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 19:15:47 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 18:42:27 2023.

You mean like the engineers who let the Challenge Shuttle blast off in sub - freezing weather, knowing that the o-rings were compromised by the cold.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 21 19:42:53 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jun 21 09:27:04 2023.

Aint gonna do him a lot of good now.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 19:43:03 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 19:15:47 2023.

How does that make the submariner less negligent?


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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 21 19:45:37 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 21 16:46:43 2023.

Theres a fine line between courage, a sense of adventure and stupidity. Seems like they paid the price for crossing that line.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 20:29:05 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Wed Jun 21 19:43:03 2023.

Premature ejaculation, liberalism. We have no idea what happened yet but you have.it solved.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jun 21 22:39:31 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jun 21 19:42:53 2023.

Methinks you missed the whole point of my remark. Go back to the post I'm responding to.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Thu Jun 22 05:36:35 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Train Dude on Wed Jun 21 20:29:05 2023.

I know actual submariners who say they are toast, but I hope they are wrong

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Thu Jun 22 15:24:35 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by AlM on Wed Jun 21 02:39:33 2023.

You were on the money here man! They just found debris from the submersible and have confirmed that it imploded. The company who ran these tours is DONE, not only did they brag about skirting safety regulations, the CEO died in the implosion as well, and they killed a billionaire. That’s all she wrote for OceanGate.

This is such a bizarre story. Why didn’t the passenger who was a billionaire just buy one of those luxury Triton submersibles that could easily dock in his yacht AND safely take him even deeper than the Titanic wreckage?

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Thu Jun 22 15:53:31 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Osmosis Jones on Thu Jun 22 15:24:35 2023.

"Why didn’t the passenger who was a billionaire just buy one of those luxury Triton submersibles that could easily dock in his yacht AND safely take him even deeper than the Titanic wreckage?"

Really. I mean how dumb can he be? he's a billionaire!

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jun 22 16:11:43 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Osmosis Jones on Thu Jun 22 15:24:35 2023.

I'm getting sick and tired of all the people on Facebook and forwarding emails making sick bad taste jokes about the incident. How can they sink so low?

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 22 16:15:02 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Thu Jun 22 15:53:31 2023.

Typically classless

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jun 22 16:20:12 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jun 22 16:11:43 2023.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Thu Jun 22 16:54:14 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jun 22 16:11:43 2023.

I think it's worth diving a little deeper (no pun intended) to understand where these emotions are coming from.

When you see someone able to spend more money than many of us could dream of for a sightseeing trip to the Titanic, it's easy to feel a bit salty. We work our 🍑s off day after day, knowing that one wrong move could spell disaster. For the super wealthy though, they seem to dance through life without a care in the world, they're isolated from the everyday struggles that we face. That privilege seems to shield them from the realities of life and death that we grapple with daily. So when they take what many of us see as an unnecessary risk for the sake of an adventure, it can feel like they're out of touch with our world.

Now I'm not saying that it justifies any of the jokes or comments, but maybe it does explain why some people might feel a sense of schadenfreude when they see a wealthy person facing consequences for what is essentially, let's call a spade a spade, a pretty frivolous choice. I mean, combine that with the Darwin-esque nature of the incident (they did sign a death waiver after all) and the general frustration towards wealth disparity, and now you have the storm of reactions we're seeing on Facebook or whatever.

Underneath it all we're all human, rich or poor. Tragedy is tragedy, and as this incident proved, it does NOT discriminate based on bank balance. However, empathy is a two-way street right? For people to feel empathy for others, they gotta feel understood and acknowledged themselves, and right now it feels like there's a big disconnect there in regards to the 1%/Wall Street-types.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Thu Jun 22 17:01:10 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Fred G on Thu Jun 22 15:53:31 2023.

They're saying this is how his wife reacted to the news:


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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by 3-9 on Thu Jun 22 17:40:10 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Osmosis Jones on Thu Jun 22 15:24:35 2023.

Probably somebody has said this already, but it's weird to think that the Titanic has claimed 5 more victims, directly or indirectly.

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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Thu Jun 22 18:03:52 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jun 22 16:11:43 2023.


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Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine

Posted by Fred G on Thu Jun 22 18:25:47 2023, in response to Re: That Ultra Rich Guy In The Missing Submarine, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jun 22 16:11:43 2023.

Well, if you think it’s going to end anytime soon, don’t hold your breath

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