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I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:07:56 2022

Our vice president hit a new low, even for a slutty cunt like her. She came out and said that hurricane Ian relief should be prioritized by race and sex.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Sun Oct 2 23:14:50 2022, in response to I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:07:56 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:31:19 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Sun Oct 2 23:14:50 2022.

Missing link

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Sun Oct 2 23:45:30 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:31:19 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by LuchAAA on Sun Oct 2 23:56:04 2022, in response to I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:07:56 2022.

Dems said the same about prioritizing Covid shots based on race.

Whites to the back of the line was expressed openly.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Mon Oct 3 03:40:32 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Sun Oct 2 23:14:50 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 05:53:11 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Chicagomotorman on Mon Oct 3 03:40:32 2022.



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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Mon Oct 3 07:19:34 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 05:53:11 2022.

That is one ugly fink

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Oct 3 11:28:08 2022, in response to I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:07:56 2022.

If Biden runs in 2024, (a big if BTW) talk is that he might dump Harris for Hillary.
Talk about a lose-lose ticket.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 3 11:54:29 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Oct 3 11:28:08 2022.

It’s highly likely he’d dump Harris, but not for Hillary. Where the hell did you hear that?

Switching VPs is actually pretty common compared to ticket continuity.

In 1804, 1832,* 1840** 1864, 1872, 1940, 1944, and 1976, the incumbent president was his party’s nominee for reëlection but the living incumbent VP was not.

*In 1832 the Vice Presidency was vacant due to the resignation of John C. Calhoun, but I’m including it because he was still alive.

**The Democrats didn’t have an official VP nominee in 1840.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 13:01:26 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Chicagomotorman on Mon Oct 3 07:19:34 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Oct 3 13:06:21 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 3 11:54:29 2022.

He would get more votes with Hillary than Harris on the ticket.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Oct 3 13:17:12 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 05:53:11 2022.

Dud you even bother to seek it out in the news. Da bitch wants equity

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Catfish 44 on Mon Oct 3 13:25:52 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 3 11:54:29 2022.

How many of those VP were elected independently ?

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Catfish 44 on Mon Oct 3 13:30:51 2022, in response to I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:07:56 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 3 13:37:04 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Oct 3 13:06:21 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 13:39:05 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Mon Oct 3 13:17:12 2022.



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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Catfish 44 on Mon Oct 3 13:42:35 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 13:39:05 2022.

This is what I found she said:
Harris was asked a two-part at a DNC's women's forum Friday about Ian relief efforts and, more broadly, how climate change disproportionately impacts some communities, including how to assist those communities.

"It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making," Harris said. "And so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, and understanding not everyone starts out at the same place. And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities."

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Mon Oct 3 13:43:43 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 13:01:26 2022.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Mon Oct 3 13:45:09 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Sun Oct 2 23:14:50 2022.


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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 3 13:46:25 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Catfish 44 on Mon Oct 3 13:25:52 2022.

You mean to the presidency? It’s rare for any VP to be elected in their own right, and it’s only recent that people have really cared so much about what was thought of as an irrelevant placeholder for much of history.

The only VPs who were elected to the presidency without succeeding to it were John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush and Joe Biden.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 3 13:49:56 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Catfish 44 on Mon Oct 3 13:42:35 2022.

Thank you.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by AlM on Mon Oct 3 13:50:42 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Catfish 44 on Mon Oct 3 13:42:35 2022.

So you don't think that poor people need more external help in the face of disaster than well-to-do people?

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by AlM on Mon Oct 3 13:51:41 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by AlM on Mon Oct 3 13:50:42 2022.

Never mind. You were just quoting, not disapproving.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Easy on Mon Oct 3 14:43:14 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by AlM on Mon Oct 3 13:51:41 2022.

I understood her to be saying that a moderate income white family living in a white neighborhood will be behind a similarly or even higher income black family living in a black neighborhood, regardless of need. Without judging one way or the other, is that what she's saying?

It seems very similar in thought to how Covid vaccines were distributed in California when they first became available. Aside from nursing home patients, high risk front line workers, etc., the vaccines were at first only available in poor, minority neighborhoods to combat historic, system racism in medicine. It was like that for weeks, maybe months. I get the reasoning, but I disagree that it was equitable.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Oct 4 01:03:22 2022, in response to I Hate That Bitch, posted by Train Dude on Sun Oct 2 23:07:56 2022.

She came out?
She always have off "lesbian vibes",the way she hated men in general.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Tue Oct 4 01:17:06 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by chicagoMotorman on Mon Oct 3 13:45:09 2022.



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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Tue Oct 4 08:29:34 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Oct 3 11:28:08 2022.

I hate to say it as I don't like Hillary but that would be an improvement. There would actually be a VP with some brains.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Oct 4 08:30:05 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by Edwards! on Tue Oct 4 01:03:22 2022.

I couldn't care about her sexual preferences. I do care that she sucked cock to get her earlier political jobs. I care that she's clearly well over her head in her current position and I care that she is pandering to groups she looks to for support.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Oct 4 08:33:05 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Tue Oct 4 01:17:06 2022.

She put many innocent black men in prison and paid for false evidence to do it. She is a horrible person, well suited to be biden's vp.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Tue Oct 4 08:37:53 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Oct 3 13:01:26 2022.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Tue Oct 4 09:28:31 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Tue Oct 4 01:17:06 2022.

I'm glad you realize it.

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Re: I Hate That Bitch

Posted by Catfish 44 on Tue Oct 4 09:59:26 2022, in response to Re: I Hate That Bitch, posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Tue Oct 4 01:17:06 2022.

That’s disgusting

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