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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 1 14:37:38 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 12:44:49 2020.

Again, he did NOT say what you quoted.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 1 14:47:18 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Oct 1 14:34:34 2020.

No the hysteria is that this was actually meant by trump, or that it has any meaning.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by AlM on Thu Oct 1 14:54:05 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 1 14:47:18 2020.

or that it has any meaning

If they took it as a call to action, it has meaning, even if unintended. The same excuse of accidental misinterpretation didn't help Thomas Becket's family.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 15:50:28 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 14:30:30 2020.

Um, NO ONE showed me "proff" of anything the proud douches are.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 1 15:54:36 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by AlM on Thu Oct 1 14:54:05 2020.

yes, just like the Democrat's call to blanket all cops bad, and "defund the police" made all the vigilantes come out and attack police officers, and in many cases, resulting in serious injury and death?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 17:35:02 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 12:44:49 2020.

roud Boys took it as an endorsement, and they are not a part of the shenanigans in Portland.

I see. Must be how so many Democrat politicians jumped on the cops are horrible and defund the police bandwagon where the vigilantes took that as an enforcement to attack police which resulted in many cops seriously injured, and others dead afterwards.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Oct 1 17:40:39 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 17:35:02 2020.

You have to remember. All of these groups follow media headlines but have an IQ about the same as Journ-o-lists. So if the NYTimes says Trump is a racist, then all the racists will love Trump. Doesn't matter what Trump says.

And all of these groups (the journ-o-lists) spend their time combing for so-called hate groups that no ones ever heard of. Newsflash, The President of the United States doesn't have time to follow every journ-o-lists fetish to get quizzed everyday on their headlines. He's got more important things to do.*

*There's nothing more important? Where's the Journ-o-list to ask these questions 100's of times to Bill DeNazzio or Joe Free Terror Biden?

To quote OBS earlier about the Democrats in the mask thread: "Fuck them".

And that goes for all their supporters. Spider, Joe, "Jay", I don't care. You're either with us, or with neo-nazi's.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:54:05 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 1 14:37:38 2020.

REPEAT: Proud Boys took that as an endorsement.
You can stick your head in the sand all you want.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:54:32 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 17:35:02 2020.

Define "so many".

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:56:57 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 1 15:54:36 2020.

Democrats did nothing of a kind.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:02:46 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 15:50:28 2020.

I posted a wikipedia yesterday which had more than a dozen footnoted sources.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:26:50 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:54:32 2020.

Lol! Google it. Enough to be quite noticable. And, how about responding to the content instead

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:29:18 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:54:05 2020.

This is the alleged "white supremacists" group?

Meet Enrique Tarrio, chairman of The proud boys and leader of Latinos for Trump.
He doesn't look very white to me if his group is "white supremacist".....

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:34:32 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:56:57 2020.

They absolutely did.
Just like trump woke up the "white Supremacists", proud boys....

Enrique Tarrio, chairman of proud boys, and leader of Latinos for Trump....

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:40:28 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:29:18 2020.

I saw that and posted 3 others sources contradicting it elsewhere.
You are being a ridiculous, ignorant Trump voter.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:41:02 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:26:50 2020.

You have no answer as usual. You simply stereotype.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:49:24 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:34:32 2020.

As I said, Democrats did nothing of a kind. Your saying so means nothing.

Rick Scott is radical right winger.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 18:50:56 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 08:56:59 2020.

Are you fucken kidding. He's denounced white supremacists dozens of times.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 18:56:11 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 08:56:59 2020.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:59:52 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 18:50:56 2020.

No he hasn't. You can take that up with McConnell and Scott.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 19:02:38 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 18:56:11 2020.

Do you expect me to be impressed with Teleprompter Trump ?

The debate was a call to action for the Proud Boys, a violent hate group. Hence McConnell's and T.Scott's response, who are usually Trump rubber-stampers.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:48:48 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:40:28 2020.

You didn't contradict anything. The topic was white supremacists. The proud boys don't appear to be white supremacists. I have no idea what they are, and that 8snt to say they aren't violent....but white supremacists? Looks like that was another exageration

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:49:24 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:49:24 2020.

Except the white supremacists thing is in the toilet

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:50:29 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 18:50:56 2020.

And the proud boys or whatever its called has a chairman who is Enrique.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:51:29 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 19:02:38 2020.

They obviously aren't white supremacists if the leader of Latinos for trump is their chairman

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Easy on Thu Oct 1 20:53:13 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:40:28 2020.

He posted that the so-called "white supremacist" Proud Boys are lead by a non-white Hispanic. You posted three sources that had nothing to do with that.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 21:11:01 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Easy on Thu Oct 1 20:53:13 2020.

The best 9f this whole diversion is that Trump was asked about white supremacy and he was asked to disavow white supremacy. Biden cut him off and said "proud boys".
Apparently Biden didn't realize they weren't a white supremacists group relevant to the discussion (no one is claiming they aren't violent).

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Easy on Thu Oct 1 21:14:25 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 21:11:01 2020.

They are considered a white supremacist group. The guy that founded the group has said some questionable things. But every time I see them on TV I see a multi-racial group being described as white supremacists.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 21:19:42 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 17:54:32 2020.

ONE is too many

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 21:28:52 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Easy on Thu Oct 1 21:14:25 2020.

I've never even heard of them till Tuesday.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 21:29:29 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 21:19:42 2020.

The summer of love

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 21:55:54 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:48:48 2020.

They're a bunch of douches

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 22:04:30 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:48:48 2020.

To be fair though, most of their members are or were members of white supremacist groups and share their beliefs

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 22:05:43 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Thu Oct 1 18:02:46 2020.

It's simply not true

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Olog-hai on Thu Oct 1 22:06:24 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 22:04:30 2020.

Proff or shens.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Easy on Thu Oct 1 22:14:25 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Oct 1 22:04:30 2020.

The share white supremacist beliefs and leave to join a mult-racial group?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 22:39:56 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:51:29 2020.

He knows...

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Oct 1 22:41:53 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 21:29:29 2020.

I see!

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:54:39 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:48:48 2020.

They have a different hate list, appear to be multi-racial, but are still very lethal. Anti-semitic, anti-gay, anti-female. The latter is 53% of the population, so it is fair to say they hate the majority of people.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:56:04 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 21:29:29 2020.

That was 53 years ago.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:57:15 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:51:29 2020.

Their hate list is still very large.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:58:50 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 20:49:24 2020.

FBI Director does not agree with you and regards them as the single largest domestic terror threat.

There are hate groups other than Proud Boys. The Charlottesville Nazis are still around.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 06:30:33 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:54:39 2020.

No one said they weren't violent. But white supremacists? When they are multicultural?
Remember. The topic was white supremacists, not violence. Trump was asked to disavow white supremacists, and biden cut him off and brought up proud boys

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 06:31:39 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:56:04 2020.

Yes. But seattle's mayor said the takeover of her city was like it. You live under a rock?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 06:32:19 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:57:15 2020.

But white supremacists was the topic.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 06:34:00 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 05:58:50 2020.

All true, but the debate topic was white supremacists. Trump was asked to disavow then, and biden interrupted him and mentioned their name

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 07:24:08 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 06:34:00 2020.

Trump did nothing but interrupt. He had plenty of opportunity and said nothing. He wants their votes.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 07:26:06 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 06:30:33 2020.

Then Trump lied on Wednesday and said he did not know what Proud Boys was.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Oct 2 07:44:43 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Fri Oct 2 07:24:08 2020.

That's wonderful that has nothing to do with the topic at hand

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Oct 2 07:46:04 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Thu Oct 1 18:34:32 2020.

That doesn’t say anything good about the Proud Boys, it says something bad about Senator R. Scott.

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