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Biden Loses

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 01:35:22 2020

Once you show utter disrespect for the office by calling the current office holder a clown, you don't deserve the right to hold that office. After that - I don't think it matters

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed Sep 30 07:42:40 2020, in response to Biden Loses, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 01:35:22 2020.

No no no. You got it all wrong. He's giving his qualifications to be president (witha lowercase p)

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 07:42:42 2020, in response to Biden Loses, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 01:35:22 2020.

Trump is a clown. But saying "Will you shut up, man?" to him did seem a bit much.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Sep 30 08:04:12 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 07:42:42 2020.

What ever happened to respecting the rules of a debate? “Will you shut up” was the least bad thing that Biden said.

And Trump did nothing last night to merit respect for his office.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:12:15 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 07:42:42 2020.

No, it was completely called for. Face it, trumps behavior was puerile and petulant. Even his base was fed up with him within five minutes. There is no excuse for that behavior, least of all from the leadership.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 08:13:27 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Sep 30 08:04:12 2020.

Trump told the Proud Boys to await further instructions.

That was the most chilling moment in a debate that was full of bullying and bigotry from Trump.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Wed Sep 30 08:14:01 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 08:13:27 2020.


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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:18:42 2020, in response to Biden Loses, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 01:35:22 2020.

Face it,trump is. There was simply no excuse for such uncivilized behavior. In fact, calling him the clown he is was strangely inferring he could control his behavior.

I think he had a tantrum. I spent much of the debate hoping someone would come up and give him a slap. Joe kept his cool the entire time.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:22:30 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 08:13:27 2020.

Its flat out frightful.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Wed Sep 30 08:32:55 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Wed Sep 30 08:14:01 2020.

I think it was scary that Biden called antifa just an idea as opposed to a group when people are getting beaten on the streets by them

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by AlM on Wed Sep 30 08:36:14 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 07:42:42 2020.


That's what you say to a verbal abuser.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:36:16 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Wed Sep 30 08:32:55 2020.

He's correct. Antifa means anti-fascism. It is not an organization. People are generally being beaten up by self-defenders, police and RWers, like proud boys. (Which IS an organization)

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 08:37:25 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by AlM on Wed Sep 30 08:36:14 2020.


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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by AlM on Wed Sep 30 08:38:51 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Sep 30 08:04:12 2020.

Nobody seems to be noticing that Biden conclusively proved he isn't suffering from senile dementia. That could get him the votes of a few people on the fence who were worried about his mental condition.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 08:39:35 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:36:16 2020.

You just love to be wrong, don't you. An idea with a website and fund raisers and leaders. How fucking stupid are you?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 08:41:33 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by AlM on Wed Sep 30 08:38:51 2020.

probably shot up on a large dose of Adderall before the debate. He was not this bad when he first became a senator. 180 years ago.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:48:00 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by AlM on Wed Sep 30 08:38:51 2020.

And he demonstrated that he is capable of self control, the hallmark of an adult.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:09:33 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 07:42:42 2020.

Because the moderator could not control him either, except shut the whole thing down. What could anyone else done up there different ?

If this were a school debate, Trump would heave been sent or dragged to the detention office, and suspended for a week.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:11:15 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:18:42 2020.

He was drilled for the debate by Christie and Guiliani.
Even Christie said Trump's performance was bad.
Guiliani is a certifiable mental case anyway.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed Sep 30 09:29:28 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:09:33 2020.

If you say so. Figures you're okay with teh anti-vaxxer on the stage.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 09:29:53 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 08:39:35 2020.

LOL! Typed in Antifa.com, got linked to the Biden campaign.

Doubtful there’s a relationship there. Biden condemns violence from anyone. You so-called Antifa doesn't.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Sep 30 09:33:49 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 09:29:53 2020.

What I saw last night, Biden refused to condemn violence against members of law enforcement. He had the bully pulipit and could have called out the violent protests in the Pacific Northwest and refused to do so.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Sep 30 09:45:19 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Wed Sep 30 08:32:55 2020.

Never mind getting shot dead in cold blood by them in places like Portland.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:48:51 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed Sep 30 09:29:28 2020.

Taking unproven vax's is not being an anti-vaxxer. All too much of what the the CDC says to the public is politically dictated. (test the asymptomatic, don't bother, oh yes, test them). Public has lost confidence in the process.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:50:22 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Sep 30 09:33:49 2020.

Being constantly interrupted, it is not possible to say everything one intended to.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:51:43 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Sep 30 09:45:19 2020.

An ICE agent was killed by Boogaloo in Oakland.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Sep 30 09:52:51 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:50:22 2020.

He was asked the question and hemmed and hawed before the interruption. There was time to say it point blank, but he refused to do so.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 13:06:27 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 08:13:27 2020.

OMG! SO dramatic!!

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 13:13:37 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 08:39:35 2020.

There is no central Antifa organization, but there are local Antifa organizations in various cities and states that coordinate with each other.


And there is that flag they use, with German writing on it, of all things. It was used by an anti-Fascist organization in Germany during the Weimar Republic, and today's Antifa people seem to see themselves as successors to that group.


This is not 1920s Germany, and use of that flag seems kind of inappropriate to me. But it would have been nice if that original group had succeeded in stopping the NSDAP's rise to power.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 13:22:17 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:36:16 2020.

No, he's not correct. Antifa and their puppets, BLM, run amok in the Democrat controlled cities, beating up innocent people (10 on 1 of course), destroying innocent bystanders autos, destroying businesses, etc...

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 13:23:49 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Sep 30 09:52:51 2020.


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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 13:24:51 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:51:43 2020.

That's not what he's talking about

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 13:29:42 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 30 08:39:35 2020.

There is no central Antifa organization, but there are local Antifa organizations in various cities and states that coordinate with each other.


And there is that flag they use, with German writing on it, of all things. It was used by an anti-Fascist organization in Germany during the Weimar Republic, and today's Antifa people seem to see themselves as successors to that group.


This is not 1920s Germany, and use of that flag seems kind of inappropriate to me. But it would have been nice if that original group had succeeded in stopping the NSDAP's rise to power.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 13:31:22 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Dyre Dan on Wed Sep 30 13:29:42 2020.

Sorry for the double post.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:07:54 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:12:15 2020.

Trump just sealed his fate.

Of being Prexy 4 more years!

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:11:09 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:22:30 2020.

To who?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:14:42 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by bingbong on Wed Sep 30 08:36:16 2020.

Who the F cares what the term means! Seriously.
Its a terrorist organization.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:16:00 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:50:22 2020.

Oh! So "that" must be it! If it wasn't mentioned, it must mean it was because "he meant to", but was interrupted. The left is really comical.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:16:44 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 09:51:43 2020.

What does that have to do with what happened in Portland?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:17:43 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by AlM on Wed Sep 30 08:38:51 2020.

They said he was drugged up before the debates, and then said it was wearing off, that's why he was losing it towards the end, and his team was shouting into his earpiece,but Joe was in space by then. This is what Rachel Maddow said.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:18:27 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 13:22:17 2020.

I love how these "organizations don't exist" because their names "meant something else" or "mean something else".
They try the same SHIT with the Black Lives Matters organization. they attempt to say the organization is wonderful because "the phrase means something good".

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 14:20:45 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:17:43 2020.


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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 14:20:47 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:16:00 2020.

Trump encouraged white Supremists, the biggest domestic terror threat, to "Stand Down and Stand By".

Don't hand me your right winged distraction shit.
Trump went off the rails and lost the debate. Face it.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 14:21:45 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:16:44 2020.

It is not just left wingers doing violence and attacking law enforcement, is it ?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 14:23:08 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:07:54 2020.

By telling the Proud Boys hate group to "stand by" for further instructions?

I hope America isn't that far gone.

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:26:20 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 14:20:47 2020.

Huh? I already stated they both did bad. What does any of what you said have to do even remotely with my caling you out on the nonsense, that "if he didn't mention it", it must be because he was cut off by trump from saying it?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 30 14:26:53 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by Joe V on Wed Sep 30 14:21:45 2020.

Again, what does this have to do with Portland?

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Wed Sep 30 14:27:05 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 14:23:08 2020.


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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:34:29 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 14:23:08 2020.

The PB are a bunch of douches, but certainly not a "hate group".

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Re: Biden Loses

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 30 14:35:23 2020, in response to Re: Biden Loses, posted by JayZeeBMT on Wed Sep 30 14:20:45 2020.


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