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W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK"

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019

The bigotry of the right is active and current in West Virginia.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 11:32:14 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

More infected links, stinky?

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 11:44:06 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 11:32:14 2019.

He only pays attention because Eric Porterfield has the "R" next to his name.
Porterfield played a recording of the call, where a man identifies himself as a “f….t,” and calls Porterfield a “f…..g coward,” saying, “You suck,” and asking Porterfield to call him out to fight.

“You bring as many people as you want,” the caller said. “Bring it on.”

Porterfield, who is blind and cannot fully open his eyes, also received a text referring to him as “slits-for-eyes.”

“I am terrified of these people,” he said, “I feel like the LBGTQ … would be the Ku Klux Klan in the modern era without the hoods.”
The recording speaks for itself.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 11:44:27 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:49:01 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 11:44:06 2019.

From the OP link:

"LGBTQ is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan, without wearing hoods with their antics of hate,” Porterfield said in an interview Friday morning. He also called the gay community a “terrorist group” and said he is being “persecuted” by the gay community in retaliation for his remarks, including receiving threats on Facebook and voicemails"

Porterfield's own words speak for themselves.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:49:30 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 11:44:27 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Feb 9 11:50:53 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 11:44:27 2019.

He needs a lightbulb in his mouth.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by bingbong on Sat Feb 9 11:53:31 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:49:01 2019.

I don't see the LGBTQ blowing anything up. Nor shooting anyone. Nor setting fire to anyone's property.

Not much terrorism to speak of. Although threats to individuals should be investigated regardless of source or target, it's not close to the same.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 12:00:49 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by bingbong on Sat Feb 9 11:53:31 2019.

Why are you always wrong, you ignorant cunt?

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 12:05:49 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:49:01 2019.

I agree with him, heterophobe.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 12:20:27 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

You lied again. Porterfield is right; the socialists never represent ordinary gay people, ever.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 12:24:14 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 12:20:27 2019.

You're wrong, oh so very wrong about that.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 12:25:37 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 12:24:14 2019.

Meaningless statement. Prove your point, stinky.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 12:38:18 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 12:25:37 2019.

You are meaningless.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 12:41:40 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 12:38:18 2019.

Thank you for proving that you are a phoney, stinky.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 12:50:15 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Feb 9 11:50:53 2019.

Paint some eyes on too 😂

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Easy on Sat Feb 9 12:52:21 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

Scary. Stay safe.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 12:56:33 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 12:20:27 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by WayneJay on Sat Feb 9 13:04:19 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 12:20:27 2019.

Man... You're a (sad) joke.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by WayneJay on Sat Feb 9 13:08:29 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

He (like many) are full of shit, and sadly I'm not optimistic that they'll ever stop with the hate.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 13:21:58 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

You know how the story ends like it always goes: Motel 6 with some 17-year-old boy

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 13:39:37 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 13:21:58 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 13:39:57 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by WayneJay on Sat Feb 9 13:08:29 2019.

Neither am I.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 13:44:54 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Feb 9 12:41:40 2019.

Even if any "R" politician is disabled (he's blind), it doesn't matter to these bolshevik thugs.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 13:47:27 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 13:44:54 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Feb 9 13:48:08 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 13:21:58 2019.

With this nut I just hope those numbers are not reversed.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by WayneJay on Sat Feb 9 13:52:59 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 13:21:58 2019.

Absolutely! And his opponent makes mention of it when he's seeking re-election or another elected position, but he denies it while his buddies and supporters all dismiss it.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by WayneJay on Sat Feb 9 13:54:55 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Feb 9 13:44:54 2019.

Sure, because a person with disabilities can't possibly hate.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 14:29:48 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

`Now I agree with you. That's absurd.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 14:32:36 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 11:44:27 2019.

Uncle Fester had a son.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays

Posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 14:33:19 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: Socialist LGBTQ Organizations “A Modern Day KKK”, do not represent gays, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 12:38:18 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Dave on Sat Feb 9 14:48:27 2019, in response to W. Va. Delegate: "LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK", posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Feb 9 11:30:12 2019.

Is it just me or does that guy look like Uncle Fester?

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by bingbong on Sat Feb 9 14:56:40 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Dave on Sat Feb 9 14:48:27 2019.

No, it's not you, you have it pegged. I'd add on a bad day. I've seen Fester look better.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Jimmymc25 on Sat Feb 9 14:58:01 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Dave on Sat Feb 9 14:48:27 2019.

Yeah ........Uncle Fester’s evil twin.

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 15:16:21 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Dave on Sat Feb 9 14:48:27 2019.

We got a collection going for some lightbulbs for the guy

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 15:18:36 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 14:32:36 2019.

Lol yup

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by bingbong on Sat Feb 9 15:52:19 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 15:16:21 2019.

Was rummaging around in the basement, found a whole box full. Just tell me where to send 'em....

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Elkeeper on Sat Feb 9 16:00:47 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 11:44:27 2019.

200 years of inbreeding will do that to you!

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 16:35:23 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Elkeeper on Sat Feb 9 16:00:47 2019.

His parents were twins

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by Dave on Sat Feb 9 16:50:29 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Fred G on Sat Feb 9 15:16:21 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 16:53:49 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by Dave on Sat Feb 9 14:48:27 2019.


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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by ntrainride on Sun Feb 10 05:34:56 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 14:32:36 2019.

i wanna play too!!

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Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK''

Posted by mtk52983 on Sun Feb 10 06:24:58 2019, in response to Re: W. Va. Delegate: ''LGBTQ Community A Modern Day KKK'', posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Feb 9 14:32:36 2019.


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