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Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:25:31 2014


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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by Fred G on Sat Aug 23 09:49:33 2014, in response to Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:25:31 2014.

Wow we agree.

your pal,

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 09:53:01 2014, in response to Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:25:31 2014.

His situation is no different than Michael Brown's. Both are equally dead, with equally suspicious circumstances surrounding. Both deserve equal justice.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:54:46 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by Fred G on Sat Aug 23 09:49:33 2014.

Really? Mazol tov!

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:56:03 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 09:53:01 2014.

I agree. Than why one been unmined by the other?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 10:27:26 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:56:03 2014.

I don't follow your question.. "Unmined"? Eh?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 11:00:32 2014, in response to Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:25:31 2014.

He sounds worse than Brown. He's a convicted felon. How do you know he didn't make a threatening move to the police officer that put the officer in fear of his life?

I'm not saying he did, but what makes you so sure he was so innocent?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:09:04 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 10:27:26 2014.

I agree. Than why one is being undermined by the other?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:10:58 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 11:00:32 2014.

Again, why is one being undermined over the other?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 11:12:37 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:10:58 2014.


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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:17:15 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 11:00:32 2014.

Te fact that he had a active bench warrant against him would make him a flight risk for sure. Add to that, if he WAS "turning his life around" as family stated, why wasn't answering that part of it? He might be alive had he done so.

Michael Brown was jaywalking as far as the cop that killed him was concerned. He did not know about the convenience store incident, which may be bogus as well, there's part of the video showing he paid for the cigars.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:18:35 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:10:58 2014.

Once Again, why is one being undermined over the other?

Or why is one being more publicized over the other?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:19:25 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:17:15 2014.


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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:19:55 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:09:04 2014.

Thee are some differences in circumstances. Taylor did have an active warrant for his arrest. Brown did not. That would make Taylor a flight risk and permit greater force in apprehending him.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:23:32 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:19:55 2014.

Neither one of us were the. Correct? Let's say that they both charged and attacked the policeman. Regardless of any warrant, how are they different?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:37:26 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:18:35 2014.

Like it or not, this is a racially fractured society and that plays into situations regarding police unlike many others. Can't deny that.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:44:19 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:19:25 2014.

What exactly is wrong. I think you're just using that word because I've used it towards you when you ARE wrong. Difference here is you don't elaborate as to why.

Do realize that your response is invalid with the reasoning behind claiming I'm wrong.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:45:42 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 11:23:32 2014.

We can't say that because we do not know that happened in either case. As you said, we were not there. I'm not interested in playing with speculation.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by Easy on Sat Aug 23 12:24:53 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 11:00:32 2014.

Both events have essentially the same basic facts. Police interaction that lead to them being killed and eyewitnesses claiming that the people killed were doing nothing wrong. I tend never to believe the police but they may not lie all the time.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:34:08 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:17:15 2014.

The answer is very simple. You and the media feel that the life of a black taken from a white cop has more value than a white guy's life taken from a black cop.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by Fred G on Sat Aug 23 12:46:47 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:34:08 2014.

Not really, and you don't see the right digging up Dillon Taylor's Facebook looking for him flipping the bird or making "gang signs" or any of that shit either.

your pal,

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:49:28 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:37:26 2014.


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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Sat Aug 23 12:52:05 2014, in response to Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:25:31 2014.

i cant believe i agree with you on this

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:54:07 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Sat Aug 23 12:52:05 2014.

You do know that Dillon Taylor was white don't you?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:55:34 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by Fred G on Sat Aug 23 12:46:47 2014.

Good point. I think I'll look for his facebook page.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Sat Aug 23 12:56:31 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:54:07 2014.

the white victim of the police shooting by the local pigs of utah right ?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 13:12:43 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:34:08 2014.

Wrong. The history of and perceptions of this society create those distinctions. My opinion does not drive any of this.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 13:36:43 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:49:28 2014.

That's just another SLC article. The cop in that incident has not been madepublic, says so wihin. So?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by FtGreeneG on Sat Aug 23 14:00:32 2014, in response to Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 09:25:31 2014.

IF there was wrong doing on the part of the officer involved is prosecuted. Justice is justice no matter what color and I am happy to see they are doing something about it if they feel that justice is trying to be swept under the rug. Why do you seem to have a problem with Michael Brown's case and not this one?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 14:01:35 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Sat Aug 23 12:56:31 2014.

Yes. And the cop was black too.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Sat Aug 23 14:03:36 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 14:01:35 2014.

again this happened in utah right ?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 14:21:14 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 13:36:43 2014.


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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by Fred G on Sat Aug 23 14:34:39 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 12:55:34 2014.

He's got a past and is a convicted felon right?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 14:46:53 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 11:37:26 2014.

Race does not play into situations regarding the police. Instead, individual's actions do, and the MSM, Lefty's, and other assorted types try to make it about race while ignoring the facts that us as human beings have to be responsible for our own actions and not use racial classifications as a crutch to excuse certain behaviors.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 14:55:12 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 14:46:53 2014.

Race does not play into situations regarding the police.

Yep. That's why Holder has been stopped for driving while black and I haven't.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 15:05:45 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by Fred G on Sat Aug 23 14:34:39 2014.

I'll take your word for it. Your point?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Aug 23 15:07:05 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 14:55:12 2014.


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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 15:49:57 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 14:55:12 2014.

I don't seem to recall that offense in the NYS VTL. I'm sure it's not found in other state's traffic laws either. Soooooo, if *I* get stopped for whatever reason it's because I must have done something to warrant getting stopped (whether right or wrong) BUUUUUT if a black guy get's pulled over, it's SOLELY because of his race? Come on now!!!!!

It's time for EVERYONE of ALL races to "man up" and stop crying and using their races as the reason for their shortfalls in life.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 15:51:37 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 15:49:57 2014.

And you're a cop? What of the practice of "selective enforcement"???

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 15:54:41 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 15:51:37 2014.

I am?!?!?!

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 15:55:39 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 15:51:37 2014.

What is selective enforcement?

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 15:58:28 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 15:49:57 2014.

I'm sure it's not found in other state's traffic laws either

Exactly! And yet it happens tens of thousands of times per year.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:10:59 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 15:58:28 2014.

What does? Getting pulled over SOLELY based on someone's race? I doubt that.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 16:12:24 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:10:59 2014.

Too many highly respected people have said it's happened to them for it to just be chance.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 16:13:57 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 15:55:39 2014.

Do play coy, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:19:38 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 16:12:24 2014.

NONE of us admit to the traffic infractions, albiet how minor, we did in order to get pulled over. I guess playing the so-called "race card" is a better option.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:20:33 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by bingbong on Sat Aug 23 16:13:57 2014.

I don't, actually.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 16:21:45 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:19:38 2014.

Speak for yourself. I've been pulled over by the police half a dozen times in my life and all of them have been deserved.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:24:48 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 16:21:45 2014.

That's my point!!!! We KNOW why we get pulled over, for example, no signalling, speeding, swerving, no seatbelt, cellphone, etc.... No need to say it's because we're black.

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Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor

Posted by AlM on Sat Aug 23 16:31:20 2014, in response to Re: Justice for Dillon Taylor, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Aug 23 16:24:48 2014.

True. Because we aren't black.

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